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Stravaganze in sol minore

FND/Aterballetto-Stravaganze in Sol Minore

Stravaganze in Sol Minore by Francesca Lattuada arrives in Palermo with a new staging, thanks to the coproduction with Teatro Biondo.

From December 11 to 22, 2024

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday at 10:00 AM

Saturday at 5:00 PM

Sunday at 11:30 AM

The magical virtuosity of Toti Scialoja (1914–1998), a master not only of images but also of words, forms the foundation of this new creation for children and young audiences by Fondazione Nazionale della Danza / Aterballetto.

The almost magical vibrations emanating from Scialoja’s poetry are like the endless ripples created on the surface of water when a stone is thrown: evocative of surreal or hyperreal images, carrying a musicality that blends poetry and nursery rhyme, and uniting the extraordinary and the eerie.

Sotto un cespo di rose scarlatte
Offre il rospo tè caldo con latte
Sotto un cespo di rose paonazze
Tocca al rospo sciacquare le tazze.
(Toti Scialoja, La mela di Amleto, 1984)

Direction and Choreography: Francesca Lattuada
Texts: Toti Scialoja (from The Apple of Hamlet)
Music: The Klezmorin, Gustav Mahler, Dean Martin, Clara Rockmore
Masks and Props: Natali Fortier
Performers: Vittoria Franchina, Rocco Ancarola

Fondazione Nazionale della Danza / Aterballetto
In coproduction with Teatro Biondo di Palermo, Centro Servizi Culturali Santa Chiara, Centro Teatrale Bresciano

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