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Oh Peter, hello. Goodbye – Prima di domani

XL Dance Company – “Prima di domani” – ph. Elena Barchi

Two choreographies that highlight the talent of the young XL Dance Company directed by Emanuela Baratin and Laura Matano.

Choreography Laura Matano
Performers Diletta Antolini, Melissa Bortolotti, Francesco Corvino
Lighting design Gessica Germini
Music by various authors
Duration 13’40”

Here is the greeting you had to become.
I awaited it comprehensively because in all our things there were sentences and redemptions.
Inside there is the desire to which I had to return to and which I had to preserve.
A resolute control of aspirations is needed in order not to become a victim of them.
You are without siege, and I am no longer a smile but the winter.
Cover yourself too.
You said that every body is seeking, calling, must fulfil itself.
It’s true, here is the ritual to leave.
I feel that you want to drag me into your space but I have chosen to let myself return to myself, in symbiosis
with my wide gestures and without constraints.
Until they are accomplished we will guard our
sleep, but standing sideways, to give access to nightmares.
Then I will open my hands as if I am in a space of my own, without having yours around me trying to
take one last close-up look.

Choreography Laura Matano
Choreography assistant Sabrina Rigoni
Performers Diletta Antolini, Melissa Bortolotti, Noemi Garofalo, Sabrina Rigoni
Visual Art Jessica Incerti Telani
Set design Cinzia Macis
Dramaturgical preparation Stefano Masotti
Lighting Design Gessica Germini
Music various authors
Duration 24’30”

Surrendering to the earth with an exhausted gesture, the body turns into a closed century.
Let go.
Intensity, delicacy, violence, sincerity, intimacy.
Take it all in again and look after it. A game that never ends.
Each time, pain is a great discovery. Lightning, like a black star.
Something is missing, you begin to live without it, as you search for the vanishing point of life. It scrapes the empty words, invents a new language, obtains by subtraction.
It is fear that comes but arrives together with courage.
Strength. And courage.
They are needed.
To learn again where the cardinal points are and then the exact vertical.
To make the balance square again.
You devour existence.
You twist.
A twist that digs into your side, necessary to re-emerge. In the meantime a weeping flows, heedless and in its own way hospitable.
And you walk, you go ahead in the disorder of destiny, you obey the failure of time that falls on you
on you without you being able to stop it.
It affects us all.
A compulsory, obligatory passage, no escaping, no running away, the bridge has collapsed.
Count the hours, the minutes.
Count the seconds.
In fact, look, hold your head with your hand when you hear too much noise inside.
Take your time.

Compelled state of necessity.
That’s it, you’ve got to get through it before tomorrow.
And don’t forget it from tomorrow.


It was born in Reggio Emilia under the artistic direction of Emanuela Baratin and Laura Matano.

The aim of the dance company is to create performances by circulating choreographers and international realities. In XL Dance Company, the movement, the body, the gestures become matter and surface for the individual and collective expression, instruments of choreographic experimentation through methods and techniques supporting a creativity born from intuitions, resonances and perceptions. The productions reflect the DNA of XL Dance Company, which makes contamination between styles its distinctive feature. Open to innovation, the dancers perform in important national and international festivals and theatres.


Full price: 9 euro
Reduced price under 30, dance schools, Liceo Coreutico Matilde di Canossa, over 65: 6 euro
Under 8: free

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