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Open rehearsal – Le Blatte

The choreographer Carlo Massari and his company C&C Company return to the Fonderia with a new ironic and tragicomic choreography.

LE BLATTE is a contemporary, surreal, and social physical fable, harsh and disillusioned, attempting to describe reality in its moving and wonderfully desolate state. A humanist parable, narrated with unreal lightness, this new creation tries to transform the banality of daily life into poetry, suspending its antihero protagonists between the prison of reality and a dream of escape.

Wednesday, December 18 at 6:00 PM open rehearsal

Wednesday, December 18 at 8:30 PM performance

Original creation: Carlo Massari

Sound composition: Andreas Moulin

Dramaturgical support: Sara Lemaire

Vocal consulting: Chiara Osella

Scenographic and costume consulting: Eleonora Peronetti

Lighting design: Francesco Massari

Production: C&C Company

In co-production with Oriente Occidente, (other partners to be defined)

International production delegated to Petri-Dish (Belgium)

With the contribution of Assessorato alla Cultura – Regione Emilia Romagna

With the support of ARTEFICI. Residenze Creative FVG, Centro Jobel

With the support of Théâtre Les Brigittines, Teatro Akropolis

Dreamlike and subtly political, LE BLATTE is conceived to combine social realism with tragicomic writing, opposing sentimentality and pathos while inviting the audience to reflect on the present (and perhaps the near future) through dark and biting humor. Seriously ironic, the compositional poetics will use the language of defeat to speak of hope, the decay awaiting rebirth, and the fall before (perhaps) the longed-for rise. An absurd and tragicomic act in which the spectator, whether they like it or not, can see themselves in the fragilities of everyday life.

An apocryphal Gospel narrating of involuntary sinners awaiting a personal Apocalypse, a winning scratch card, or a “…And they all lived happily ever after” that will never come. Souls attempting to drown their melancholy and worries in continuous, incessant activity—talking, dancing, humming, whistling… A petty, bewildered, and authentic humanity, constantly able to fall and rise again, roaming hungry in search of connections with others.

A bustling microcosm that brings to life various scenic tableaux composed of bodies and voices, in a transdisciplinary mix of essential and unembellished languages, which has characterized C&C Company’s poetic research from the beginning. The use of bodies and movement supports the hyper-narrative scenic expression.

LE BLATTE is based on a dramaturgical construction designed in sequential chapters, currently identified by the following subtitles: Fino a qui tutto bene (So Far, So Good), Antropo-cena (Anthro-dinner), Tragedia (Tragedy), Residuo non differenziabile (Non-Sortable Waste), La Bellezza salverà il mondo? (Will Beauty Save the World?), Tutto è bene quel che finisce (All’s Well That Ends). A sparse, minimalist set: a concrete monolith, perhaps an old wall, enhanced by video-mapping projections of migrating cockroaches seeking survival, and brought to life by constant interaction with the five performers who, in turn, struggle and flounder to avoid succumbing to one another. A dystopian metaphor, but not too much…

C&C, directed by Carlo Massari, identifies itself as a project dedicated to the creation and development of an evolving artistic language, aimed at a physical and dramaturgical investigation. It seeks to convey and share energy and creativity in the most direct, clear, and real manner possible, closely related to the pressing contemporary social issues. Characterized by constant and unembellished work, C&C focuses on the depth of interpersonal relationships with the goal of bringing truth to the stage through a deeply physical language that allows the audience to feel represented within its universality.

Founded in 2011, the Company has shown from the start a strong inclination towards hybridization and the transversality in the use of dance in relation to other contemporary performative codes, establishing and solidifying itself today as a “Amphibian” creative identity.

Among its numerous productions, the most recent include: Beast without Beauty, Les Miserables, A Peso Morto, RIGHT, Metamorphosis… which have received significant recognition and international tours. The company frequently creates works involving community engagement, establishing a dialogue that enhances the artistic project: a search for relational truth that characterizes the company’s poetics and is combined with a total imaginative openness capable of bringing the audience closer to the theatrical experience.

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