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The protagonists are the dancers of the Agora Coaching Project, an advanced dance training project promoted and supported by the MM Contemporary Dance Company and A.S.D Progetto Danza of Reggio Emilia under the artistic direction of Michele Merola and Enrico Morelli. Started in 2010, the course is now gaining full recognition in the world of European dance and boasts collaborations with internationally renowned teachers and choreographers.

On stage Made in Italy 26.0 by Giuseppe Spota, paolo Mohovich and Michele Merola.

AGORA COACHING PROJECT is an annual project of improvement in dance for dancers aged between 18 and 22 years, which is based in Reggio Emilia.
Born in 2010, the course is directed by Michele Merola and Enrico Morelli, and is promoted and supported by MM Contemporary Dance Company and A.S.D. Progetto Danza di Reggio Emilia. It aims to train artists ready to deal flexibly with the variety of the international dance market, artists able to respond to requests of different nature, technical / stylistic, which come from this same market.

The course aims to offer a wide range of technical and cultural stimuli and exchange between students and choreographers, each of whom comes from and works in different realities among the most interesting on the international scene. Agora, in fact, brings the students together with established choreographers of different stylistic orientations, and in recent years has seen the presence of many illustrious names: several teachers, each with proven and qualified experience in the field.with Michele Merola and Enrico Morelli collaborate in the implementation of the project


Full price: 3 euro
Reduced under 6: free

Tickets can be purchased online at www.biglietteriafonderia39.it.

The box office service in the Fonderia is available from h 17.30.

Tickets are not numbered.


You can enter the Fonderia 15 minutes before the performance, showing your online purchase.
At the entrance, the temperature will be tested, and access will be denied if the temperature exceeds 37.5°C. In accordance with the latest legislative decree on anti-COVID regulations, access to the Fonderia is only permitted to spectators with a valid Super Green Pass and an Ffp2 mask. This provision does not apply to persons under 12 years of age or to persons exempt on the basis of appropriate medical certification issued according to the criteria defined by the Ministry of Health.
Control staff are obliged to check this certification upon entry.
The public is required to wear an Ffp2 type mask correctly for the duration of the event.

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