EVES is a project that connects astronomy and contemporary dance with the aim of promoting both. Dance engages with astronomy, scientific dissemination becomes a performance, and we embark on a journey to discover the universe and ourselves through the parallelism between the micro and macro cosmos.
Open rehearsal Monday, November 4 – 6:00 PM
Performance Tuesday, November 5 – 8:30 PM
Compagnia Natiscalzi DT
Choreography: Tommaso Monza and Claudia Rossi Valli
Dancer: Claudia Rossi Valli
Scientific dissemination: Prof. Claudio Melioli, Astrophysics
Set: Natiscalzi DT
Production: Cinqueminuti APS
With the contribution of Regione Emilia Romagna L.R. 13/99
With the support of Comune di Reggio Emilia
In collaboration with Binario49 – Associazione Casa D’Altri
Duration: 60′
[Do you think you’re sitting still right now?
You’re on a Planet that’s orbiting a Star at 30km/s.
That Star is orbiting the centre of a Galaxy at 250km/s.
That Galaxy is moving through the Universe at a rate of 600km/s.
We’re never still. We’re moving continuously.
Since you’ve started reading this, you’ve travelled about 3000km.]
EVES è nato fantasticando con la testa fra le nuvole, o forse come direbbe l’astrofisico Claudio Melioli (UniBo, USP São Paulo, Unimore) dell’associazione Binario49, è nato dalla forza di gravità che abbiamo esercitato entrambi per incontrarci su questo nuovo territorio: la possibilità di creare uno spettacolo di teatro danza e astronomia, a metà fra divulgazione scientifica e senso del sublime per il cosmo, tipico della poesia. Come un contemporaneo Leonardo Da Vinci ci appassioniamo al progetto senza separare arte e scienza, provando a raggiungere un punto comune fra le discipline che oltre ad essere nucleo sia anche involucro. Il progetto EVES è la ricerca di nuove forme di comunicazione ibrida, alla ricerca di una nuova strategia di divulgazione della conoscenza e del sapere in spazi altri e “non Luoghi” per generare nuove modalità di condivisione e incontro di nuovi pubblici.
Trained as a dancer at the Theatre-Dance course of the Scuola d’Arte Drammatica Paolo Grassi in Milan. After graduating, she continued her studies in Italy and abroad, training with, among others, Compagnia Abbondanza/Bertoni (IT), The William Forsythe Company (DE), Retina Dance Company (UK), and Ampersandance Youth Company (UK). She was awarded a scholarship for the American Dance Festival 2012 (NYC, USA), where she was selected to dance with Shen Wei Dance Arts.
She has been a dancer with Compagnia Tiziana Arnaboldi (CH) since 2014 and Compagnia Zappalà Danza (IT) since 2015, performing in productions such as La Nona (winner of the Danza&Danza Best Production Award 2015), LavaBubbles, Vestire lo spazio, and I Am Beautiful. Since 2016, she has also been a dancer with Compagnia Abbondanza/Bertoni (IT), performing in Gli Orbi, Compleanno Pubblico Ballato, Capodanno RAI 2019, and La Morte e la Fanciulla, which won the Danza&Danza Best Production Award 2017.
Claudia has pursued her interest in choreography since 2012, receiving various accolades for her productions. In 2016, she co-founded Compagnia Natiscalzi DT with Tommaso Monza. In 2024, she won the **Premio Scenario Infanzia** with the show *Cosa hai in testa?*.
Originally trained as a sculptor at the Brera Academy of Fine Arts, Tommaso Monza later transitioned to theatre-dance and contemporary dance, studying with Compagnia Abbondanza/Bertoni, Julien Hamilton, Roberto Castello, Ivan Wolf, Liat Waysbort, and Loren Potter.
Since 2005, he has been a dancer and collaborator with Compagnia Abbondanza/Bertoni, and since 2010, he has worked with Compagnia Ambra Senatore. In 2010, he began his own choreographic journey, creating a solo (Fra le mie dita rotte), a quartet (Piazze d’Italia), and a duet (Dei nostri eroi più fragili).
In 2012, he participated in the Choreoroam Europe project. Since then, he has developed ROD – Three Units on Kazakhstan, which was a finalist at Premio Equilibrio Roma 2014 and was presented at Mirabilia Festival Europeo 2014 (IT), MittelFest 2014 (IT), Festival Exister 2014 (IT), Vetrina Anticorpi XL 2014 (IT), and ArtBat Fest 2013 (KZ). In 2015, he was selected as a choreographer for the Anghiari Dance Hub project with his work *Sketches of Freedom*.
In 2016, he co-founded Compagnia Natiscalzi DT with Claudia Rossi Valli. Additionally, Tommaso Monza is also an author, with a published collection of short stories titled Personaggi estranei in luoghi comuni.
Full price: 10 euros
Reduced price (Under 30, dance schools, Liceo Coreutico Matilde di Canossa, Over 65, CRAL Comune di Reggio Emilia members): 6 euros
Reduced price (Under 8): 3 euros
- ONLINE: https://www.biglietteriafonderia39.it/home.aspx
- Fonderia Box Office: The box office opens one hour before the performance (via della Costituzione 39, Reggio Emilia).
Seats are unnumbered.
Phone & WhatsApp: +39 3341023554
Email: biglietteria@aterballetto.it