Gōlem-Amore Sintetico – ph. Giulia Furlani
Una serata che riunisce tre Centri di Produzione della Danza italiani: Fondazione Nazionale della Danza / Aterballetto di Reggio Emilia, DanceHaus Company / DanceHauspiù di Milano e Scenario Pubblico/Compagnia Zappalà Danza di Catania.
Un’occasione per conoscere i linguaggi di tre affermate realtà del panorama nazionale.
Choreography Diego Tortelli
Music Spiritualized
Music consulting Federico Bigonzetti
Lighting Carlo Cerri
Another story wants to tell the new story of the most feared and at the same time desired gesture of 2020, suffering from a global epidemic: the hug.
A gesture as simple as a hug has now been reinvented by adding infinite variations to its most basic meaning, transforming itself into the most hidden desire and, on the other side, into an almost “terrorist” act, without losing its deep meaning of actual carnal sharing.
Another story thus becomes a solitary hug, a shared hug, a violent, painful, tiring and also desired, hidden, intimate, idolised hug… the only prediction we cannot rely on is how this simple gesture will continue its mutation; what choreographer Diego Tortelli intends to do is to write another story for it to be felt and watched by both performer and spectator.

FND/Aterballetto – Another story – ph. Celeste Lombardi
choreography Roberto Zappalà
music by Johannes Brahms
dancers Fernando Roldan Ferrer and Joel Walsham
production Scenario Pubblico/Compagnia Zappalà Danza – Centro Nazionale di Produzione della Danza
with the support of MIC Ministry of Culture and Regione Siciliana Ass.to of Tourism, Sport and Entertainment
B duett is an excerpt from “Corpo a Corpo”, a creation by Roberto Zappalà that premiered in 2018 and investigates the ongoing violence bodies suffer and express from the beginning of life, meditating through the figures of Cain and Abel on the human evil and struggles.
B duett is the central part of the full creation that simultaneously expresses the conflict and affection the two brothers feel after God’s statements and before they get to the separation that coincides with humanity’s first crime and first grief.
Scenario Pubblico/Compagnia Zappalà Danza – Corpo a Corpo – ph. Andrea Macchia
direction and choreography Erika Silgoner
original music Samuel Puggioni
dancers Gloria Ferrari, Giovanni Leone
co-production DANCEHAUSpiù – Festival tanzOFFensive EISFABRIK
“Gōlem, the Hebrew word for embryo, raw mass.
Material that has not yet been infused with a soul.”
The word “Gōlem” appears within the Holy Scriptures and means “light form”, “raw” material. It is the unfinished human being in front of God’s eyes, it is Adam. In modern Hebrew, it means ‘dumb’ or ‘defenceless’.
Choreographer Erika Silgoner, fascinated by this anthropomorphic figure, revisits the myth of “Gōlem” to investigate the existential limits of today’s man and the complex laws regulating life and love.
Gōlem – Amore Sintetico tells the story of a relationship, if we can define it in this way, between a man and his anthropomorphic frustration, the distance between the desired love and the incapacity to concretize it.
The story is meant to be a paradox: the love between a man and an unreal being.
Despite the claustrophobic solitude, the desire for possession is still alive, as well as the desire for beauty and its imagery, the desire for love, no longer authentic, no longer possible, but synthetic.
A love that is cruelly meant to represent the distance that humans want to take from real emotions as if they wanted to preserve themselves from the pain and from a new, inevitable failure.
A fetish created by man to feed those high and low needs that devour him,
a grotesque and imprecise love that is far from the true love we aspire to.
The innocence of a newborn creature that needs him, that tries to satisfy him beyond its limits… because it has to.
Gōlem-Amore Sintetico – ph. Giulia Furlani
Full price: 9 euro
Reduced price under 30, dance schools, Liceo Coreutico Matilde di Canossa, over 65: 6 euro
Under 8: free
In compliance with anti-Covid regulations, tickets can only be purchased online at www.biglietteriafonderia39.it up to one hour before the performance.
Therefore tickets cannot be booked by phone or by e-mail.
The ticket service in the Fonderia is suspended.
Tickets are not numbered.
You can enter the Fonderia 15 minutes before the performance, showing your online purchase.
At the entrance, the temperature will be tested and if the temperature is higher than 37.5°C, you will not be allowed to enter. Access to Fonderia is only allowed prior to the presentation of a valid Green Pass certification, excluding the children under the age of 12 and to subjects exempted on the basis of suitable medical certification – according to the criteria defined by the Ministry of Health. Our staff will check this certification at the entrance. It is required the correct use of the mask for the entire duration of the event.