
Teatro Comunale L. Pavarotti Via del Teatro, 8, Modena, MO, Italia


Made in Italy 25.0

Fonderia via della Costituzione, 39, Reggio Emilia, Italia

MM Contemporary Dance Company presents Agora Coaching Project - Cancelled



Teatro Ristori via Teatro Ristori, 7, Verona, Italia


NEXT- STOP Palcoscenico

Fonderia via della Costituzione, 39, Reggio Emilia, Italia

Studio XL International Contemporary Dance Education - CANCELLED


Made in Italy 26.0

Fonderia via della Costituzione, 39, Reggio Emilia, Italia



Made in Italy 27.0

Fonderia via della Costituzione, 39, Reggio Emilia, Italia



1 meter CLOSER

Screendance shot in quarantine... on the big screen! All the dancers of Aterballetto, in April, were locked up in their ...


The Other Side

Dance and music videocreation... on the big screen Dance, music, art and video meet for a "time & site specific" ...

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