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Aterballetto dances YELED and SHOOT ME, by the two young choreographers Eyal Dadon and Diego Tortelli, at Fonderia.

YELED, a Hebrew word meaning “child,” brings to the stage Israeli choreographer Eyal Dadon’s reflection, together with Aterballetto dancers, on the moment in life when we come to lose the innocence of children.
SHOOT ME, by our resident choreographer Diego Tortelli, on the other hand, is a frontal work that aims to put the dancers on stage and the audience in the stalls in a direct exchange relationship: a game of seduction, of glances, of sweat, an assault on the senses and an ode to the body, to breathing the same air, sweat, tears, fury, pride.




Full: 10 euro
Reduced under 30, scuole di danza, Liceo Coreutico Matilde di Canossa, over 65, soci CRAL Comune di Reggio Emilia: 6 euro
Reduced under 8: 3 euro


Tickets can be purchased online su www.biglietteriafonderia39.it.
The ticket office service at the Fonderia is open from 8 pm.

Tickets are not numbered.


Cell and whatsapp 3341023554

Email biglietteria@aterballetto.it

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