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DaCru – The day when I chose to be a daughter – ph. Sara Meliti

The Dacru Dance Company returns to the Fonderia with its latest performance The day when I chose to be a daughter.

Dancers with a highly virtuosic technique, performers with a communicative directness, they have the talent to transform urban dance into a real theatrical tale.

Concept and direction: Marisa Ragazzo
Choreographies: Marisa Ragazzo and Omid Ighani
By and with Elda Bartolacci, Davide Angelozzi, Alessandra Ruggeri
Musiche: Jocelyn Pook , Julia Kent, David Lang, The Books, Max Richter , Nils Frahm

Production: Compagnia Naturalis Labor
Co-production: Festival Abano Danza 2022
With the support ofMic / Regione Veneto / Comune di Vicenza
In partnership with DanceLab / Latina

Three dancers investigate the state of sonship. A profound and poetic analysis, steeped in secret visions, that answers one main question: does being a child last a lifetime?… and from others that follow spontaneously… does this privileged state of sonship persist even when the point that formally grants it disappear?… without parents, is one still a child? Does the state of sonship change when one becomes a mother or a father?

The company’s new production stems from the choreographer’s involved and individual vision of the theme, which becomes collective through meetings and discussions with the dancers.
It has been a long and complex work of reflection on the state of sonship that we stage, a search through the specific memories of each of us, choreographers and dancers. Memories written down, detailed, shared, made narrative and almost always referring above all to the mother, in whom we danced for months immersed in her vital paste.

DaCru – The day when I chose to be a daughter – ph. Sara Meliti

We began the creative process related to the project ‘THE DAY WHEN I CHOSE TO BE A DAUGHTER’ by taking time for everything, talking at length, sharing memories and emotional states… four children reflecting on the state of sonship. No mother, no father, only sons. Much has been written about motherhood and fatherhood, extensive and articulate narratives, but about the state of sonship, very little. What is the state of sonship? The first of many questions that drives us to an active sharing: we would like to dialogue with other sons in order to arrive at a more extensive and in-depth narrative by interweaving a silent dialogue with the audience, prompting everyone to undertake a process to recover memories and small stories hidden in the secret places of the mind.

Both in love with extreme experimentation and the contamination of styles and languages, they create an unusual choreographic dimension while remaining absolutely attainable. They love speed, technical virtuosity, and the fusion of the theatrical space with the artistic code of the street, from which they draw their drives towards art in its various aspects, which often leads them to collaborate with underground musicians and visual artists.

Their primary goal remains to break out of conventional spaces through originality, invention, innovation and research.

In 1996, Marisa Ragazzo and Omid Ighani opened two professional hip hop training schools, still active today, in Lazio and Sardinia, to which they added, over the years, another 8 locations shared in organisation with Cruisin Arts (MC Hip Hop School: Milan, Verona, Jesi, Florence, Rome, Bari, Catania, Cagliari), and a specialisation school for Video Dance and House (Cruisin’ Urban Dance Hdemy: Modena and Rome).

In addition to professional training schools, they carry out an intense teaching activity, in Italy and abroad.

Full price: 10 euro
Reduced for under 30, dance schools, Liceo Coreutico Matilde di Canossa, over 65, CRAL members Municipality of Reggio Emilia: 6 euro
Reduced price under 8: 3 euro


Tickets can be purchased online on www.biglietteriafonderia39.it.

The ticket office service at the Fonderia is open from 7.30 pm.

Tickets are not numbered.


Mobile and whatsapp 3341023554

Email biglietteria@aterballetto.it

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