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OPEN REHEARSAL – Corpi violati #DjOperaNoir

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In CorpiViolati , a community of bodies, both feminine and masculine, thrives, thirteen in total, bound by the memory of a wound. Whether still open or healed, this wound reverberates on the stage in an incessant dance fueled by impulses, instincts, anger, and pain, where overwhelming group dances alternate with duets and solos, and vulnerable bodies stand alongside violent and ruthless bodies of aggressors upon whom a veil of pity never descends, at least until they themselves become victims.

Born from the search for testimonies of rape and abuse victims and from improvisational work in the studio with the dancers, Monica Casadei constructs a performance oscillating between raw realism and poetry dictated by a possible redemption. At its core, the victims, too often blamed and cornered in the lengthy judicial processes faced to obtain justice, inhabit a bare stage dominated by two defendant benches and a backdrop of gold and black damask. Antithetical colors – on one side, the brilliance and light of gold; on the other, the enigmatic darkness of black – create a precious tapestry of an imaginary domestic hearth where respect and love should reign. Musically, the remixed electronic samples by Fiandrini ebb and flow within the story in melodrama and symphonic music.



Choreography, direction, set design, lighting, and costumes by Monica Casadei.
Live Electronics by Fabio Fiandrini.
Production by Compagnia Artemis Danza/Monica Casadei.
Co-produced with Festival di Danza Contemporanea Teatro Comunale di Ferrara.
In collaboration with Comune di Rimini and Teatro Galli.
With the support of Ministero della Cultura, Regione Emilia Romagna, and Comune di Parma.

Full price: 3 euros


Tickets can be purchased online at www.biglietteriafonderia39.it.

The ticket service at Fonderia is available from 5:00 PM.

Tickets are not numbered.


Phone and whatsapp: 3341023554

Email: biglietteria@aterballetto.it

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