MicroDanze is an ambitious project of “danced” performances. Conceived by Gigi Cristoforetti, the project comes from an invitation by the Fondazione Palazzo Magnani in Reggio Emilia to develop and explore different ways of enjoying dance performance.
Choreographers – national and international – have conceived short pieces (six to eight minutes, to be danced in a tiny space), which can be watched in succession as if one were visiting a museum. A project that escapes the dynamics of the stage, the distance that separates the spectator from the performer, creating a continuum between the onlooker and the watched, soliciting an emotional and aesthetic experience as varied as it is original.
Some MicroDanze have been the focus of a process ofreenactment: a transposition of the original versions for young dancers and public spaces aimed at creating an urban version.
The result is a project that creatively wanders between very different contexts – historical centres, industrial areas, residual spaces, symbolic places in cities – defining unusual stages and creating radically new opportunities to meet the public. The guiding thread is research into dance as a form of living, in relation to contemporary artistic practices that are rooted in the territory.
In Padua, the route – curated by Lara Guidetti – passes through the Civic Museums allowing different experiences of space, whose works sometimes resonate in the choreographies. An opportunity to experience a unique encounter with dance and visual art.

MicroDanze reenactment -Strôma di Giovanni Insaudo