As part of the Operaestate Festival we offer the urban version of MicroDances.
Some MicroDances are at the center of a process of reenactment: a transposition of the original versions for young dancers and public spaces aimed at the creation of an urban version.
The result is a project that creatively wanders among very different contexts – historical centers, industrial areas, residual spaces, symbolic places of the cities – defining unusual stages and creating radically new opportunities to meet the public. The leitmotif of the three experiments is research into dance as a form of living, in relation to contemporary artistic practices that are rooted in the territory.
The micro/macro relationship established by the confrontation with the urban space is the same that articulates the conceptual space of the choreography and the lived space, as well as the dialectic I/other, activated by the transmission of the choreographies to the dancers in training who become mediators of an unprecedented experience.
The binary gaze that links spectator↔artwork becomes a performer-spectator-urban landscape triangulation.
MicroDances performed at Operaestate festival are: Turn the Tide by Roberto Tedesco, Eppur si muove by Francesca Lattuada, Pensieri di Carta by Hélias Tur-Dorvault, Strôma by Giovanni Insaudo.

MicroDanze reenactment -Strôma di Giovanni Insaudo