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From December 16th to 22nd, the MicroDances are on stage at the Domus dei Tappeti di Pietra in Ravenna, an archaeological site located in the undergrounds of the late Baroque church of Sant’Eufemia and considered by many as one of the most important discoveries in Italy in recent decades. The area features a prestigious complex of residential houses dating back to the 1st and 6th centuries AD, enriched by “stone carpets”: marble and mosaic floors of high aesthetic and decorative value. The spaces of the Domus will host two works by Diego TortelliYes, Yes… and A Gig – as part of the program of the Ravenna Festival 2023. The stage for the two MicroDances is the large reception hall, which contains the mosaic representation of the dancing seasons to the sound of the musician Pan: a play of refined geometries and inserts that meets the contemporary gestures of choreographer Diego Tortelli.

The MicroDances project at the Domus dei Tappeti di Pietra marks a very interesting cultural operation that puts together a collaboration capable of involving at the same time one of the most fascinating sites of our historical and cultural heritage and the high artistic projectuality put in place by the Ravenna Festival, of which the Autumn Trilogy is one of the highest and internationally recognized expressions. The Domus dei Tappeti di Pietra, a place that guards the roots of the great Ravenna history of mosaic, thus becomes a stage for a dance project aimed precisely at the dialogue between the arts. The MicroDances project arrives in Ravenna after prestigious debuts in the major European museums. It is not just about a virtuous collaboration between institutions, but about a new paradigm that sees in the dialogue between different communicative codes an opportunity for multiplied fruition through an extraordinary immersive experience.Fabio SbaragliaCouncilor for Culture of Ravenna

Yes, Yes…

A creation that in a few minutes seeks to capture the atmosphere of the Silver Factory created by Andy Warhol in 1962: a place that has entered the collective imagination as a meeting point for artists and a hub of innovation and development of pop culture. The music for Yes, Yes… is composed by artists Dean and Britta for Andy Warhol’s film Most Beautiful. The guitar sounds and the rock references to the 1970s remind us of the rhythms of the rock band Velvet Underground, whose album was produced right at the Silver Factory.


A Gig

A Gig is an opening or closing number. Something brief that serves to warm up the audience or bid goodnight to those who came to see us. In rock slang, it’s often performed by the headlining group of an event. It’s not a full concert, but a short performance that aims to capture the style, vibes, and intensity of the band in just a few minutes. In this new MicroDance, I want to use the two dancers to engage closely with the audience’s gaze, as if it were a little surprise in a context where a performance was unexpected. With the sound of the music, the two dancers move over a text that says “easy,” becoming themselves broken voices and glamorous seduction instruments.


Saturday, December 16th
A Gig – Performance times: 5:00 PM and 6:00 PM

Sunday, December 17th
Yes, Yes… – Performance times: 12:00 PM and 12:30 PM

Tuesday, December 19th
Yes, Yes… – Performance times: 5:00 PM and 6:00 PM

Wednesday, December 20th
Yes, Yes… – Performance times: 5:00 PM and 6:00 PM

Friday, December 22nd
Yes, Yes… – Performance times: 5:00 PM and 6:00 PM

Between 1993 and 1994, the Superintendence for Archaeological Heritage of Emilia Romagna, interrupting the works for the construction of an underground parking lot, unearthed near Via D’Azeglio a complex of building structures dating back to the Republican Roman period and the Byzantine period.

In particular, what stood out among the archaeological stratigraphy was a complex of about 700 square meters consisting of 14 rooms and 2 courtyards dating to the 6th century AD, surely belonging to an affluent family of the city given the splendor of the materials found concurrently.

Elevated walkways allow visitors to walk around the entire perimeter of the archaeological site and admire up close the wonderful floor mosaics that characterize it. In particular, during the process of musealization, priority was given to showcasing the phases of the rich Byzantine residence, in which the amalgamation of two different buildings is now clearly visible, originally separated by a Roman road of which part of the pavement is still visible.

All the rooms of the building were floored with marble tarsia or polychrome tesserae with refined geometries and figurative inserts. Among these, the large reception hall stands out, at the center of which is the mosaic depiction of the dancing seasons in a circle to the sound of the musician Pan. Autumn, Spring on the left, Winter covered by a hood can be recognized, and finally a hint of Summer can be inferred, a decoration unfortunately lost.

MicroDanze admission included in the entrance ticket to the Domus dei Tappeti di Pietra: Full price €6, reduced price €5

Free admission for holders of the Trilogia d’Autunno 2023 ticket (also valid for free admission to the Museo Classis Ravenna until January 7, 2024)

Information: tel. 0544 32512 or at the ticket office of the Domus dei Tappeti di Pietra, via Barbiani www.ravennantica.it


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