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Double Performance:

Tuesday, June 4 – 9:00 PM
Wednesday, June 5 – 9:00 PM

The protagonists of the evening are the dancers of the Agora Coaching Project, an advanced training project promoted and supported by the MM Contemporary Dance Company and the A.S.D Progetto Danza of Reggio Emilia, under the artistic direction of Michele Merola and Enrico Morelli. Started in 2010, the course is gaining full recognition in the European dance world and boasts collaborations with internationally renowned teachers and choreographers.

SCHUBERT FRAMES by Enrico Morelli

To the extraordinary music of Franz Schubert, Enrico Morelli has entrusted his work: no one better than the Viennese composer has been able to interpret the conflicting feelings of love, tension, melancholy, regret, but also hope. A collage of famous pieces by Schubert, extracted from true masterpieces – composed two centuries ago, still amaze today for their great relevance – serve as the soundtrack to this work dedicated to the many souls of contemporary man, where love gives way to disenchantment, detachment to sharing, passion to fear, and vice versa, in a back-and-forth between crescendos and diminuendos, revealing entire universes and secret connections. The choreography aims to be a tale of solitudes and kindred spirits, in an era like ours, weary, murky, disenchanted, tormented by a malaise that is in the air, but also anxiously searching for meaning and a hope of happiness, some tenderness. A tale of comings and goings that focuses mainly on the moment of return, because happiness is a home to return to, perhaps changed, heedless of the accelerated pace of a present that risks making us struggle and a future we fear to explore. The problem is not to arrive, but to return. To learn to love again each time. To have the courage to recognize ourselves as fragile, and therefore generous in tenderness.



Seven pieces on the coexistence and proximity between bodies, on what makes dance a formidable tool for knowing the other and others; the work is primarily a path of appropriation of the external space to give body and rhythm to a very simple idea: that dance has the ability to create a welcoming place where someone else’s dance can exist. For this reason, the dancers’ attention is always directed outward, to what is near, around the body. With an exotic touch that doesn’t hurt. We would like this space, which each body projects outward, to be perceived as a “possible” space of coexistence, proximity, and invention, based purely on facts.



June 4
Erica Barusco, Jasmine Begici, Giovanni Karol Borriello, Elisa D’Acciavo, Laura Dell’Agnese, Sara Ferrentino, Giulia Lusetti, Lucrezia Maggiore, Gioele Marcante, Maya Maselli, Carlotta Maucioni, Federico Musumeci, Giada Piccinini, Giorgia Raffetto, Susanna Russing, Viviana Maria Sanfilippo, Gennaro Todisco, Diletta Torelli

June 5
Corrado Azzolini, Giulia Boccarossa, Elisa Bocconi, Salvatore Bruno, Lucrezia Capuzzelli, Anna Dal Maso, Vittoria Facci, Nicole Forni, Aurora Lattanzi, Luna Lefebvre, Gioele Marcante, Laura Miotti, Martina Pagliari, Filippo Penco, Martina Procacci, Alessia Russo, Diletta Suman, Gaia Zorrilla

Agora Coaching Project is an annual advanced dance training project aimed at dancers aged 18 to 22, based in Reggio Emilia. Established in 2010, it is directed by Michele Merola and Enrico Morelli, and is promoted and supported by the MM Contemporary Dance Company and the Centro Permanente Danza of Reggio Emilia. Its goal is to train artists who are ready to flexibly face the variety of the international dance market, artists capable of responding to the different technical/stylistic demands that come from this same market. The project aims to offer a wide range of stimuli, of a technical and cultural nature, and of exchange between students and choreographers, each coming from diverse and interesting realities in the international panorama. Agora allows young dancers to meet established choreographers with different stylistic orientations and has seen the presence of many illustrious names over the years: Michele Merola and Enrico Morelli collaborate with several teachers, each with proven and qualified experience in the field, to realize the project.


Choreography by Enrico Morelli

Music by Franz Schubert

Choreography Assistants: Nicola Stasi, Lorenzo Fiorito

Duration: 30 minutes



Choreography by Michele Di Stefano

Restaged by Biagio Caravano

Music by LCD Soundsystem, Don Bigg, Dame Grease & Riff Raff, Cliff Martinez, Lorenzo Bianchi Hoesch

Duration: 45 minutes


Full price: 10 euros
Reduced price for under 30, dance schools, Matilde di Canossa Dance High School, over 65, CRAL Comune di Reggio Emilia members: 6 euros
Reduced price for under 8: 3 euros


Tickets can be purchased online at www.biglietteriafonderia39.it

The box office opens one hour before the start of the show

Tickets are not numbered


Cell and WhatsApp: 3341023554

Email: biglietteria@aterballetto.it

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