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Made in Italy 30.0 – open rehearsal

The protagonists of the evening are the dancers of the Agora Coaching Project, an advanced training project promoted and supported by the MM Contemporary Dance Company and A.S.D Progetto Danza of Reggio Emilia under the artistic direction of Michele Merola and Enrico Morelli. Started in 2010, the course is gaining full recognition in the European dance world and boasts collaborations with internationally renowned teachers and choreographers.

The performance Made in Italy 29.0 is on stage on 21 December 2023.

AGORA COACHING PROJECT is a two-year dance training project for dancers between the ages of 16 and 22. Agora aims to train artists ready to flexibly face the variety of the international dance market, artists capable of responding to the different technical/stylistic demands coming from this same market.

The aim is to provide a solid basis for learning the various techniques in use on the international contemporary dance scene and the different repertoires through the alternation of qualified teachers and artists by bringing to the stage the works created by guest choreographers. The course aims to offer a wide range of stimuli, technical, cultural and exchange between students and choreographers, each of whom comes from and works in different realities among the most interesting on the international scene. Agora brings dancers together with established choreographers and directors of prestigious companies, thus giving students the opportunity to obtain work contracts; Agora thus represents an active and effective bridge between training and the world of work, having built a network of collaborations with numerous European companies over the years. Many Agora students are currently working in these prestigious ensembles.

Artistic direction: Michele Merola and Enrico Morelli

Full price: 3 euro
Under 6: free


Tickets can be purchased online at www.biglietteriafonderia39.it.

The ticket office service at the Fonderia is open from 5.30 pm.

Tickets are not numbered.


Mobile and whatsapp 3341023554

Email biglietteria@aterballetto.it


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