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Made in Italy 29.0

The protagonists of the evening are the dancers of the Agora Coaching Project, an advanced training project promoted and supported by the MM Contemporary Dance Company and A.S.D Progetto Danza of Reggio Emilia under the artistic direction of Michele Merola and Enrico Morelli. Started in 2010, the course is gaining full recognition in the European dance world and boasts collaborations with internationally renowned teachers and choreographers.

On stage Made in Italy 29.0 with choreographies by Enrico Morelli and Ivan Alboresi.

AGORA COACHING PROJECT is a two-year dance training project for dancers between the ages of 16 and 22. Agora aims to train artists ready to flexibly face the variety of the international dance market, artists capable of responding to the different technical/stylistic demands coming from this same market.

The aim is to provide a solid basis for learning the various techniques in use on the international contemporary dance scene and the different repertoires through the alternation of qualified teachers and artists by bringing to the stage the works created by guest choreographers. The course aims to offer a wide range of stimuli, technical, cultural and exchange between students and choreographers, each of whom comes from and works in different realities among the most interesting on the international scene. Agora brings dancers together with established choreographers and directors of prestigious companies, thus giving students the opportunity to obtain work contracts; Agora thus represents an active and effective bridge between training and the world of work, having built a network of collaborations with numerous European companies over the years. Many Agora students are currently working in these prestigious ensembles.

Artistic direction: Michele Merola and Enrico Morelli

Dancers: Camilla Aiazzi, Corrado Azzollini, Beatrice Ballarò, Erica Barusco, Gaia Belli, Marek Brafa, Anna Dal Maso, Laura Dell’Agnese, Sally Demonte, Pietro Di Salvo, Vittoria Facci, Chiara Gionti, Luca Guerrieri, Sofia Lacava, Carlotta Lo Piano, Erika Loprieno, Giulia Lusetti, Gioele Marcante, Carlotta Maucioni, Marta Monaci, Federico Musumeci, Carmine Olivazzi, Martina Pagliari, Martina Procacci, Emily Rondanini,Susanna Russing, Alessia Russo, Alessio Saccheri, Viviana Sanfilippo, Sara Scarponi, Micol Scotto, Diletta Suman, Giorgia Talami, Gennaro Todisco,Diletta Torelli

Choreography Ivan Alboresi
Music Davidson Jaconello, Travis Lake, Joep Beving
Costumes Nuvia Valestri

Ivan Alboresi’s new choreography for Agora Coaching Project is developed on the ‘breathing’ of bodies and on the attention to touching and caring for the other. The study made with the young dancers of the course is understood as an act of connection between the choreographer’s poetics of movement and the outcome of the transmission on the different bodies of the performers.

Through the exchange of energy and mutual support, choreographic actions based on the interplay of mutual support between bodies and souls, proximity and absence, are constructed. In creating the choreographic score, the starting point was memory and the desire to return the gesture of supporting the other, thinking of the body as an infinite, inexhaustible source of memories, fragility and compassion. The performers establish a visible dialogue between their physical strengths and the importance of their gazes and their sensitive touch, changing the perspective of seeking each other out. The audience, freely observing the choreographic action, crosses and crosses musical and choreographic suggestions, developing a perceptive and subjective reading.

Choreography Enrico Morelli
Music Igor Stravinsky
Costumes Nuvia Valestri
Choreography Assistant Annalisa Perricone

On 29 May 2013, Igor Stravinsky’s Le Sacre du Printemps turned one hundred years old and the entire dance world remembered and celebrated this event. After the scandal it caused at its debut, with the first version of the choreography, created in Paris by Vaslav Nijinsky for Diaghilev’s Ballets Russes, the score has become well known, and recognisable at the first beat. Le Sacre is inspired by an ancient Slavic legend, according to which every spring a virgin had to be ritually sacrificed so that the earth could flourish again.

In his interpretation of Le Sacre, Morelli approaches this score with profound respect.
In the resulting staging, a facet of the frantic dynamism of our time is reflected. To combat old and new fears, and to exorcise the evil of living that accompanies the present, every opportunity is good to find a scapegoat.
In Enrico Morelli’s directorial choice, on the bare stage, as the only element, lugubrious slaughterhouse hooks emerge from the darkness and loom from the ceiling. They are as many swords of Damocles, a stern warning inviting us to look back to the past, to the times of terror and death when so many men were sent to the slaughterhouse, considered ‘numbers’ without identity or dignity.

The assumption of the choreography is all here: as long as human beings sacrifice their fellow human beings to the violence of blind cannibalism, and do not choose the path of respect for others, the light of culture and the clarity of reason will not prevail. Then, forever and ever, each individual will only be able to think and want the evil of others, to eliminate anyone who stands in the way of the fulfilment of his desires. Everyone will have in his neighbour an enemy. From this will result war of all against all, with no more right or wrong. Thus the animal man will be condemned to remain Homo homini lupus.

Full price: 10 euro
Reduced price under 30, dance schools, Liceo Coreutico Matilde di Canossa, over 65, CRAL members Municipality of Reggio Emilia: 6 euro
Reduced price under 8: 3 euro


Tickets can be purchased online at www.biglietteriafonderia39.it.

The ticket office service at the Fonderia is open from 8 pm.

Tickets are not numbered.


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Email biglietteria@aterballetto.it


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