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Open rehearsals are unique moments in which one can experience the backstage of a performance, dialogue with the artists and be surprised by the art of dance.

Under the title LOVE POEMS, the MM Contemporary Dance Company presents an evening composed of three new choreographies all under the sign of contemporary:

DUETTO INOFFENSIVO (excerpt from ‘Rossini Cards’) by MAURO BIGONZETTI restaged for MMCDC



The three works are performed by eight dancers from MMCDC, a reality of excellence in Italian dance, with a consolidated activity of performances throughout the country.
The choreographies of the programme, linked by the common denominator of a distinctive musicality, are characterised by a strong implication as much interpretative as technical, which will highlight the stylistic versatility and extraordinary skill of the company’s dancers. From one piece to the next, the dance will become one with the music, marrying its compositional richness thanks to choreographies that emphasise movement, plasticity, but also the importance of the single gesture.



Excerpt from ‘Rossini Cards

Choreography: Mauro Bigonzetti
Music: Gioachino Rossini
Assistant to choreography: Roberto Zamorano
Lighting design: Carlo Cerri
Costumes: Helena De Medeiros
With 2 dancers

A passionate and intense duet by Mauro Bigonzetti: in the two women on stage there is sharing, understanding, but also disagreement, and we find condensed the characters and stories of several female characters. Their encounter, in a continuous repetition and alternation of complicity and conflict, gives rise to an exchange of energies, feelings and emotions linked to the disappointments of love.

Choreography: Thomas Noone
Music: Jim Pinchen
With 4 dancers

“I love you so much that I am in pain. I hope you suffer as much as I do …”

Raw and dynamic, Brutal Love Poems explores the ‘wild’ side that we hide within us and that only reveals itself in our most intimate moments. Somehow this revelation, of our most primordial, terrible and brutal being, is perhaps only ever manifested in front of those closest to us, the person we love.
An abstract, non-narrative work, in which the resonance of movements echoes and combines to form a whole, seeking to entertain, provoke and seduce.



Choreography: Michele Merola
Music: Antonio Vivaldi
Lighting design: Cristina Spelti
Costumes: Carlotta Montanari
With 7 dancers

Co-production Teatro Ristori di Verona
National Premiere: 1 February 2019 – Teatro Ristori, Verona

With each creation, Michele Merola aims higher, convinced that it is possible to express, in dance, joys, tenderness, anger, expectations, impulses, torments. For the choreographer, returning the fire of passions to bodies contaminated by life has always been a conditio sine qua non for representing the meaning of existence on Earth. And it is in the pages of the great composers that Merola loves to search for perspectives, symmetries, assonances between human feeling and music. His encounter with Antonio Vivaldi springs from this desire, for a new production where ‘the relationship between music and movement plays the lion’s share’, says Merola.

Starting with Vivaldi’s best pieces and suggestions from the paintings of Marc Chagall, Michele Merola has created Vivaldi Umane passioni: “With Vivaldi and baroque music, I rediscover a love for pure choreographic design, while the inspiration I find in Marc Chagall’s paintings – works such as The Birthday (1915), On the City (1918), Love on the Scene (1920), Introduction to Jewish Theatre (1920) – , has guided my work towards human passions, the evasion from the everyday to detach oneself from the ground, listening to inner emotions. In both artists, I sense a great desire for life, beauty, elegance in living’.

Some of the composer’s best-known scores are mirrored in Merola’s journeys: the violin concertos La Follia, L’Inquietudine, L’Estro Armonico, and Il Favorito best express the sentiments that punctuate one’s life. Faced with this supreme grace, the vortex of sonorous intensity and richness of timbre, Merola pushes the accelerator of movement dynamics to develop new reflections. As an ‘athlete of the heart’, and of its most secret recesses, the choreographer visualises those themes with intimate involvement and a strongly contemporary slant, sculpting them in dance and in the air with the same passion and fury dictated by the notes. Fuelled by the two arts, the dialogue that is created, intense, balanced in terms of the balance of forces, enriches and nourishes the spectator’s imagination with complexity and compositional richness. It is a chess game in which music and bodies chase each other, confront each other, overlap, in a representational dynamic that the union makes even more intense.

Ermanno Romanelli



La MM Contemporary Dance Company è una compagnia di danza contemporanea diretta dal coreografo Michele Merola, nata nel 1999 come centro di produzione di eventi e spettacoli e come promotrice di rassegne e workshop con l’obiettivo di favorire scambi e alleanze fra artisti italiani e internazionali, testimoni e portavoce della cultura contemporanea.

Il repertorio della compagnia, che ha sede a Reggio Emilia, è ricco e variegato, grazie ai lavori di Michele Merola e alle creazioni firmate da coreografi europei e italiani come Maguy Marin, Mats Ek, Mauro Bigonzetti, Thomas Noone, Gustavo Ramirez Sansano, Karl Alfred Schreiner, Eugenio Scigliano, Emanuele Soavi, Enrico Morelli, Daniele Ninarello, Ginevra Panzetti ed Enrico Ticconi, Roberto Tedesco, Camilla Monga.

Nel 2010 la MM Contemporary Dance Company ha vinto il prestigioso Premio Danza&Danza come migliore compagnia emergente e oggi, è, a tutti gli effetti, una realtà di eccellenza della danza italiana, con una consolidata attività di spettacoli su tutto il territorio nazionale. Da alcuni anni ha conquistato un mercato internazionale con spettacoli in paesi europei ed extraeuropei (Corea, Colombia, Canada, Germania, Russia, Marocco, Belgio, Spagna, Slovenia…).
Nel 2017 la MM Contemporary Dance Company ha vinto il Premio Europaindanza 2017 – Premio al Merito alla coreografia, per lo spettacolo Bolero di Michele Merola.
Il 1° gennaio 2021 e il 1° gennaio 2022 la MMCDC è stata presente su RAI 1 nella trasmissione “Danza con me” di Roberto Bolle interpretando coreografie di Mauro Bigonzetti e Lorca Massine.
Per il triennio 2018-20, per il 2021 e per il triennio 2022-24 la MM Contemporary Dance Company è compagnia associata del Circuito InDanza del Trentino Alto Adige.
La MMCDC è sostenuta dal Ministero della Cultura, Regione Emilia-Romagna, Fondazione Nazionale della Danza/Aterballetto, Centro Permanente Danza Danza/Reggio Emilia.


Full price: 3 euro
Under 6: free


Tickets can be purchased online at www.biglietteriafonderia39.it.

The ticket office service in the Foundry is open from 5.30 pm.

Tickets are not numbered.


Tel +39 0522273016

Mobile and whatsapp +39 3341023554

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