Nicola Galli – Il mondo altrove
“We particularly liked Nicola Galli’s latest creation “Il mondo altrove” (The World Elsewhere) which, to Giacinto Scelsi’s obsessive music full of mysticism, transports us to distant worlds, between West and East, in atmospheres reminiscent of a lost and ancestral world: the paintings and vases of ancient Greece but also the dances of Bali and the Katakali, Japanese Nō and the mythical atmospheres of South America.
[…] The dancers, entering through the door at the centre of the stage, concealing an unknown elsewhere, advance like mysterious priests, giving us back the sense of a lost sacredness that suddenly seems to still belong to us”.Mario Bianchi [ Krapp’s Last Post – 27/07/2021 ]
Concept ancd choreography: Nicola Galli
Dance: Margherita Dotta, Nicola Galli, Leonardo Maietto, Silvia Remigio
Music: Giacinto Scelsi, 3/4 had been eliminated
Props: Giulio Mazzacurati
Masks and costumes: Nicola Galli
Light and sound: Giovanni Garbo
Production: TIR Danza, stereopsis
Co-production: MARCHE TEATRO / Inteatro Festival, Oriente Occidente
Artistic residences: DID Studio / Ariella Vidach, Centro di Residenza della Toscana (Armunia – CapoTrave / Kilowatt), Oriente Occidente Studio_Passo Nord
With the support of: Rete Almagià
Took part to the process of creation: Nicolas Grimaldi Capitello
Duration: 50′
Il mondo altrove is a choreographic pièce in the shape of dance ritual, which celebrates the motion of an unexplored world according to a scenic mindset.
The pièce traces an ideal path between West and Orient and it’s freely inspired by South America’s indigenous rituals, Japanese’s symbols and traditions of Nō theater, and the composer Giacinto Scelsi’s obsessive – to some extent mystical and eccentric – musical research, focused on a spherical concept of sound.
From the main door – which overlooks the scenic area and hides a elsewhere – four shamanic figures finely adorned move forward to lead a magical and timeless ceremony. The movement of bodies and the features of their faces – veiled and reconfigured according to canons extraneous to Western culture – preserve and offer to our gaze the ritual of a possible different tradition, acted inside a circular bordary which delimits a space still attributable to the sacred and which collects the result of a harmonious coexistence between natural habitat and human action.

Nicola Galli – Il mondo altrove
The action takes place at sunset, embraced by the bright colors of gold, cyan and purple, and then it dissolves in a nocturnal gestural dialogue, as expression of mutual support, perpetual gift, universal and celestial communion.
Faced with this physical language, we are invited to decipher the “hieroglyphs” of this unknown, wild and upside down civilization; we are guests encouraged to train to overcome the border of the known, discovering ourselves as foreigners among foreigners. Welcoming a new world and opening up to an unknown system means to come into contact, without pre-established hierarchies, with the poetry of an opaque language, whether it belongs to the animal world, the plant world or any alternative culture. Accepting the questioning of something about oneself and rediscovering own humanity in the reflection of the encounter.
Nicola Galli (1990, Ferrara) works on body research, stated in artistic pieces and devices that ranges from choreography to performance, from body installations to graphics.
Galli starts as agonist gymnast and then approaches to the body research at Teatro Nucleo (Ferrara), studying the languages of physical theatre and contemporary dance. Moreover he experiences a lot of heterogeneous disciplines: Renaiassance dance, modern dance, hip-hop and muscular rebalancing workshop ‘Monari Method’.
In 2010 he starts a personal research focused on shape and definition of the “stratification” and “landscape” concepts in connection with the body, that develops in installations and choreographic pieces. Starting from the natural science, the geometry and the astronomy he is fascinated by anatomy, proportion and details; these elements compose the core of his trasversal scenic imaginary.
In his works, the body become the irradiate core of the artistic research which focuses on analytical exploration of movement as a part of different knowledges.
Contextually to artistic research, Nicola Galli creates and manages educational workshops dedicated to children, adults and young dancers, designed to explore the movement, discover new visions and perceptions of the body and new reflections of his own physical and communicative border.
From 2010 to 2014 he worked as dancer and performer in the company Collettivo Cinetico.
Since 2014 he is choreographer supported by TIR Danza.
His works have been presented in: Egypt, France, Germany, Italy, Holland, and via livestreaming in South Korea.
He has also collaborated with important international Institutions: Italian Cultural Institute (Paris), Balletto di Toscana (Florence), MUSE Science Museum (Trento), Scuola Normale Superiore University (Pisa), Fondazione Perugia Musica Classica (Perugia), Institute of the Arts (Seoul), IUAV University (Venice).
• 2018: “Prize Equilibrio” – Fondazione Musica per Roma with the pièce Deserto digitale
• 2018: Prize “Danza & Danza” as best new choreogprapher with the pièce De rerum natura
• 2019: Italian prize “Sfera d’Oro per la danza”
• 2021: Prize “Radicondoli per il teatro in the name of Valter Ferrara” for innovation and use of new technologies in the theater with the performance Genoma scenico | digital device
Full price: 9 euro
Reduced under 30, dance schools, Liceo Coreutico Matilde di Canossa, over 65, members of CRAL Municipality of Reggio Emilia: 6 euro
Reduced under 8: 3 euro
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