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HOME Altrove – open rehearsal


Home Altrove is a performance as well as a reflection about the invisible communication between actions and thoughts, between what is here and what is elsewhere.

by and with Daniele Albanese
voice Eva Karczag
video and technical assistance Salvatore Insana
sound Daniela Cattivelli
light design Alessio Guerra
promotion and curatorship Francesca Divano

production Associazione Gruppo Nanou with the support of MIC – Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali e del Turismo/Direzione generale per lo spettacolo dal vivo, Regione Emilia Romagna, ResiDance XL – luoghi e progetti di residenza per creazioni coreografiche, Teatro il Lavatoio Santarcangelo, Centro di Residenza della Toscana (Armunia Castiglioncello – CapoTrave/Kilowatt Sansepolcro), ACS Abruzzo

Dance as subtraction and separation, that restrains itself from freeing impulses and piling up gestures and movements, its poses shine with those things they do not produce. _ Maurizio Zanardi

Home Altrove brings into the actual context the shared creation process Elsewhere undertaken together with the historical dancer Eva Karczag and the solo project Home, transforming them into a new way of approaching the scene that carries the signs of the last year’s complex experience.

Starting from the assumption that the process behind the act of performing can be considered ‘home’ as a personal, functional and emotional archive – and therefore as a place of identity – Home Altrove explores shifting, floating languages that flow within a living, heterogeneous environment in which the boundaries – between spaces, languages and directions – are both sources of turbulence and richness.
Over the last year, the project has evolved as a result of a series of events and circumstances, leading to different possible versions on (or off) the stage.
For the debut of the theatrical version, Daniele Albanese is inviting the philosopher Maurizio Zanardi to participate in a discussion that, starting from the questions raised by the work (“In a world of  constantly changing and liquid boundaries like the contemporary one, what is home?”), opens up to a wider conversation on the role of dance “in the current society of control”.

“Dance” would therefore be on the one hand the name of the unconditional, absolute gesture-step-passage, and on the other hand the scheme that, both in the dance action and in the organisation of its public use, sometimes excludes it, sometimes anticipates it, sometimes neutralises it while codifying it.
In any case, dance seems to be a practice pervaded by heterogeneous forces that are constantly bringing it into play. So how does dance come into play in today’s society of control? _ Maurizio Zanardi

Daniele Albaneseis a choreographer, dancer and performer based between Italy and Berlin. After having trained as a gymnast and ballet dancer, he obtained a BA at EDDC (now ArtEZ) in Arnhem – The Netherlands where he studied with several leading figures linked to American Post-modernism.
Since 1995, while developing his work as an independent author, he has been collaborating with many renowned artists such as Benoit Lachambre, Virgilio Sieni, Nigel Charnock, Jennifer Lacey, Enzo Cosimi, Eva Karczag.

In 2002 he established his own company Compagnia STALKER_Daniele Albanese in order to investigate dance as a language in terms of relationship between closed and open structures, in search of a choreographic sign which would be precise and mutable at the same time.

His research inhabits the constant flow that goes from the body as an object to the body as a subject through a flux of transformations in which gestures become abstractions and viceversa.
His works explore the hybrid forms that arise in the transition from a place to another, from a movement to another, in which boundaries are not seen as obstacles but rather as a point of turmoil that generates new ways of encountering the audience, thus leading it to unusual dimensions of perception.


Maurizio Zanardi is a philosophy expert and one of the founders of the Cronopio publishing house, for which he has edited: Le lingue di Napoli, 1994; Aporie napoletane. Sei posizioni filosofiche, 2006; La democrazia in Italia, 2011; Comunità e politica, 2011; Sulla danza, 2017. His writings on dance include: Forme radiose, in Virgilio Sieni, La ragazza indicibile, Maschietto Editore 2011; Danzare nella società di controllo, in Altri corpi / Nuove danze, edited by Andrea Porcheddu, Cue Press 2019.

Full price: 3 euro
Under 6: free

In compliance with anti-Covid regulations, tickets can only be purchased online at www.biglietteriafonderia39.it up to one hour before the performance.
Therefore tickets cannot be booked by phone or by e-mail.

The ticket service in the Fonderia is suspended.

Tickets are not numbered.

You can enter the Fonderia 15 minutes before the performance, showing your online purchase.
At the entrance, the temperature will be tested and if the temperature exceeds 37.5°C, you will not be allowed to enter. Access to Fonderia is only allowed prior to the presentation of a valid Green Pass certification, excluding the children under the age of 12 and to subjects exempted on the basis of suitable medical certification – according to the criteria defined by the Ministry of Health. Our staff will check this certification at the entrance. It is required the correct use of the mask for the entire duration of the event.

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