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Massimo Monticelli – Eroide Contemporanea

Giorgia Lolli – Eufemia, ph. Andrea Couceiro


Two young choreographers from Emilia-Romagna confront on stage a deromanticized present and a past with a nostalgic flavor.

Massimo Monticelli, an internationally known dancer and choreographer, drawing inspiration from Ovid’s collections of love epistles, rewrites one of them: his Eroide Contemporanea. The letter becomes an opportunity to pose a reflection on love, art and loneliness.

Giorgia Lolli, through collaboration with Sophie Claire Annen and Vittoria Caneva, creates Eufemia. On stage, a non-romantic vision of romance and a nostalgia for eras never lived meet.

With the patronage of 

Choreography, text, dance: Massimo Monticelli

Music: C. Debussy, B. Bàrtok

Production: TIR dance

With the support of: ImPulsTanz, Vienna (AT), Santarcangelo Festival, Rete h(abita)t Bologna.

In his Heroides, Ovid imagines a collection of letters written by some of the most famous women of myth for their respective men who, for one reason or another, abandoned them. Massimo Monticelli wants here to compose a new eroid. Going through a fragment of life, a letter becomes an opportunity to pose a reflection on love, art and loneliness.


Project selected for the ATLAS – create your dance trails program of the ImPulsTanz festival in Vienna, with dramaturgy support by Guy Cools and Angelique Wilkie.

Project selected for KRAAK, residency path of Santarcangelo Festival.


Massimo Monticelli is a dancer, choreographer and teacher from Bologna, and since 2023 he has been an associate artist of TIR Danza.
In recent years, Massimo has danced in works by international choreographers in several European countries, and since 2022 he has started a collaboration as performer with Italian choreographer Nicola Galli.
In the last two years Massimo has been able to present his work in contexts such as Gender Bender International Festival, Romaeuropa festival, in ImPulsTanz’s ATLAS artist review in Vienna (AT), Corte Ospitale, Thuner Tanzfest (CH).
Between 2021 and 2023 Massimo has been selected for the following opportunities: national call ERetici promoted by Arboreto and Corte Ospitale, Nuove Traiettorie XL promoted by Rete Anticorpi XL, ATLAS – create your dance trails, program within ImPulsTanz festival in Vienna, DNAppunti Coreografici 2022 as a finalist, and among the four winning artists of SupportER, support action promoted by Rete Anticorpi Emilia-Romagna.
In 2020 Massimo was a founding member of the Swiss company EREM dance, with which he worked as dramaturg and choreographic consultant.
He graduated with honors from Trinity Laban in London, received a Master’s degree in Performance from NSCD in Leeds, spent a period of study at the National Conservatory of Paris, while in parallel he earned a Bachelor of Arts and a Master’s degree in Theatre Disciplines from the University of Bologna.

By Giorgia Lolli
With Sophie Claire Annen, Vittoria Caneva, Giorgia Lolli

Production: Anghiari Dance Hub 2020
Winner project of the Abitante Call for Proposals – National Center for Dance Production Virgilio Sieni and Fondazione CR Firenze. With the support of SdFactory Laboratorio Creativo (Reggio Emilia) and blueFACTORY (Fribourg, CH).

Selected for the Young Author’s Dance Showcase – action of the Network Antibodies XL 2021.

Eufemia, from the Greek, she who speaks well, or she who is spoken of well, is a creation for three young women and a typewriter. On stage, a non-romantic vision of romance and a nostalgia for eras never lived meet. The performers, furnishing the rooms of a utopian world, construct between the abstract and the concrete a dimension in which everything becomes both subject and frame. They cultivate an “imperfectionism” devoid of approximations, which opens to new possible views and oversights.

Eufemia: celestial, moody, eloquent, intimate, sophisticated, light.
It is everything you decide it is.


Eufemia, Giorgia Lolli – ph. Andrea Couceiro

Giorgia Lolli (Reggio Emilia, 1996) graduated in Contemporary Dance from Zürich University of the Arts and moved to Israel, completing training with Kibbutz Contemporary Dance Company. She has an active collaboration as a dancer in Finland for How the land lies by Bianca Hisse & Laura Cemin, selected for Aerowaves 2023. Giorgia is teaching Dance Well, movement research for Parkinson’s at Triennale Milano.

Her practice interweaves dramaturgical-choreographic research and community processes. Since 2020 she has been collaborating with Sophie Claire Annen and Vittoria Caneva: with Eufemia they are finalists in Direction Under 30 (Teatro Sociale di Gualtieri), selected by Network Anticorpi XL for the Young Author’s Dance Showcase 2021, and guests of Festivals in Switzerland, Portugal, Germany.

Full: 3 euro
Under 6: free


Tickets can be purchased online at www.biglietteriafonderia39.it.

Ticket service in the Fonderia is active from 5 pm.

Tickets are not numbered.


Cell and whatsapp 3341023554

Email biglietteria@aterballetto.it

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