For choreographers Tommaso Monza and Claudia Rossi Valli, the word ‘divine’ is not synonymous with ‘religious’. The project questions where the sense of the divine resides in everyday urban life and wants to do so by confronting itself with the generation of rappers and trappers under 25, who will be the backbone of the project. The word in metrics conceived as “The Word” and its flow, the parallelism of theatre and dance with the metrics of rap in an attempt to generate an aesthetic short-circuit.
The performance is within the summer festival DANZA AI CHIOSTRI curated by Fondazione Nazionale della Danza / Aterballetto and Fondazione I Teatri di Reggio Emilia.

concept and choreography Tommaso Monza and Claudia Rossi Valli
dance Chiara Di Guardo, Blanca Lo Verde, Ludovica Messina, Federico Russo
A production by Natiscalzi DT, Compagnia Abbondanza/Bertoni, Associazione Cinqueminuti
with the support of Piemonte dal Vivo, Fondazione I Teatri di Reggio Emilia and Fondazione Nazionale della Danza / Aterballetto
with the contribution of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia
winner of Toscana Terra Accogliente, a project by R.A.T. Residenze Artistiche Toscane, in collaboration with Teatro Metastasio, Fondazione Toscana Spettacolo, Virgilio Sieni Danza, Fabbrica Europa
Natiscalzi Danza Teatro is the organic result of the creative journey shared between Tommaso Monza and Claudia Rossi Valli, a collaboration that began in 2012 and has been successfully pursued over the years. The company initially developed as a rib of the Abbondanza/Bertoni company to then affirm its independent identity in 2016, establishing itself as a cultural association after years of projects, productions, residencies and tours.
The performance takes place at the Chiostro Piccolo of the Chiostri di San Pietro complex.
Single seat 5 €.
The performances at the Chiostro Piccolo entitle you to a reduction on the tickets for the performances of the review DANZA AI CHIOSTRI at the Chiostro grande: reduced ticket at € 8 instead of € 10
INFO & TICKET RESERVATION / 0522 273016 / 334 1023554 (Whatsapp)
At the Chiostri San Pietro: from one hour before the start of the performance