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Danza d’Autore – Open Rehearsal

Danza d’Autore – Open Rehearsal

MM Contemporary Dance Company directed by Michele Merola presents Danza d’Autore, a triple bill composed of Extended by Camilla Monga, Round Trip by Roberto Tedesco and La metà dell’ombra by Michele Merola.


Choreography and concept Camilla Monga
Music Federica Furlani and By This River by Brian Eno
Dancers Dylan Di Nola, Lorenzo Fiorito, Matilde Gherardi, Annalisa Perricone, Alice Ruspaggiari, Giuseppe Villarosa

Production MM Contemporary Dance Company
With the support of VAN

Project born from the action Prove d’autore XL, promoted by Network Anticorpi XL and coordinated by Associazione Cantieri

Duration 20′

Here we are
Stuck by this river
You and I
Underneath a sky that’s ever falling down, down, down
Ever falling down

Brian Eno’s By This River brings dancers and spectators into a rarefied atmosphere while the sound of the piano and keyboards caress each other embroidering a precious harmonic fabric. The song invites to a sweet disorientation to idealise a time without time and a space without borders. Camilla Monga works with the musician Federica Furlani to create a polyphony of images that are always new and unrepeatable, creating an elsewhere that is outlined minute by minute before the eyes of the spectator. Each musical framework guides the talented MMCDC dancers, giving each one few features that mark their characters; while closely connected actions provoke chain reactions, outlining increasingly meditative and ethereal panoramas. Extended is expanded music that seems to have neither a beginning nor an ending; it is a reflection on the nature and fragility of man, but also on his ability to evoke a universe, false or real, to create spaces in which one can fall and rise again.

Choreography Roberto Tedesco
Music Not Waving
Lighting Design Gessica Germini
Dancers Dylan Di Nola, Lorenzo Fiorito, Matilde Gherardi, Fabiana Lonardo, Alice Ruspaggiari, Giuseppe Villarosa

Duration 12′

There is no linear story but moments, images, situations that transfigure the formal aspect of the choreographic score into music, in what seems to be a “mosaic-work”.
An investigation into pure movement, starting from the awareness that “without space there would be no movement, but without movement space would not be conceivable. With Round Trip we enter into an analysis of different identities, of the encounter with the other and its many facets. Individuals engaged in a unique and multiple research confront and identify themselves, mixing again, not caring about any classification. A circular motion that consists of invading and abandoning space, going and returning that do not always coincide, as if every single situation were disconnected from the previous or the following one and could belong each time to an infinitely variable number of performers.

Roberto Tedesco

Choreography Michele Merola
Music Johann Sebastian Bach, Geert Hendrix, Senking
Costume design Carlotta Montanari
Dancers Dylan Di Nola, Lorenzo Fiorito, Paolo Lauri, Nicola Stasi, Giuseppe Villarosa

Duration 28′

La metà dell’ombra stages an ideal and impalpable journey into sacrality. The gestures and the music remind us of the ritual, of an archaic world, lost forever. The dancers alternate the physicality of the ‘dancing body’ with an intimate interpretation of the most spiritual part of man.

In Michele Merola’s dance there is always a time where the human tension and the truth about feelings get exalted: dance brings out the aching sense of life. His dance goes straight to heart, shaped as knife, without intermissions and it breaks our self-confidence. La metà dell’ombra is the last leg of this path: it’s structured on human male bodies and it can be considered as a journey to
explore the mystery of the sacred in us. The choreography moves in a continuous tension between the sense of expiation, expressed with gestures lacerating, self-punitive, and the hope of redemption and the liberation of the body. There is a constant movement between atonement, punishment, hope and freedom. The feelings are mixed, opposed and drawn in a collective ritual ending. Each frame we see and each choral dance performed exalt the human presence. By those choices the choreographer gains a new dance language that conquered us with power and evocation.

Ermanno Romanelli – Dance News

MM Contemporary Dance Company, based in Reggio Emilia, Italy, is directed by choreographer Michele Merola. The company was born in 1999 as a permanent center for the production of events and shows and as a promoter of projects and workshops with the aim  of supporting exchanges and alliances between italian and international artists, witnesses and spokesmen of contemporary culture.
Company repertoire is composed by a various range of styles: Merola’s works and other creations of international and Italian choreographers as Mats Ek, Mauro Bigonzetti, Thomas Noone, Gustavo Ramirez Sansano, Karl Alfred Schreiner, Emanuele Soavi, Enrico Morelli, Eugenio Scigliano, Daniele Ninarello.

In 2010 MMCDC won Danza&Danza Critics Award as Best Emergent Italian Dance Company and in 2017 got the Europaindanza – Merit Award to Choreography for the show Bolero by Michele Merola.
Today the company is, in effect, an outstanding ensemble of italian dance, with consolidated activity of shows all over the country: it is hosted in many theaters in most of Italian regions, is invited in major festivals, collaborates with almost all the regional circuits. Abroad, MMCDC was present in European and extra-European countries such as Korea, Colombia, Canada, Russia, Germany, Morocco, Belgium…

For the three-year period 2018-20 MM Contemporary Dance Company is associated company of InDanza Circuit of Trentino Alto Adige. MM Contemporary Dance Company is supported by Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali, Regione Emilia-Romagna, Fondazione Nazionale della Danza/Aterballetto, Teatro Asioli di Correggio, ASD Progetto Danza. Technical partner: Pro Music.


Full price: 3 euro
Under 6: free

In compliance with anti-Covid regulations, tickets can only be purchased online at www.biglietteriafonderia39.it up to one hour before the performance.
Therefore tickets cannot be booked by phone or by e-mail.

The ticket service in the Fonderia is suspended.

Tickets are not numbered.

You can enter the Fonderia 15 minutes before the performance, showing your online purchase.
At the entrance, the temperature will be tested and if the temperature exceeds 37.5°C, you will not be allowed to enter. Access to Fonderia is only allowed prior to the presentation of a valid Green Pass certification, excluding the children under the age of 12 and to subjects exempted on the basis of suitable medical certification – according to the criteria defined by the Ministry of Health. Our staff will check this certification at the entrance. It is required the correct use of the mask for the entire duration of the event.

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