Choreographer Simona Bertozzi describes her new creation as a praise of “vegetable amazement”, which questions behavior and practices space as a field of possibilities.
During this open rehearsal we will want to convey the feeling that we need to reset our postures and move towards welcoming the unexpected, encountering the whirling change of reality.
A huge argument that raises the question of space, in the foreground and brings out the problem of the border, separation, protection, as critical issues for the assumption of the value of a collective consciousness.
Project Simona Bertozzi, Marcello Briguglio
Concept and choreography Simona Bertozzi
Dance Inkeun Baik, Wolf Govaerts, Manolo Perazzi, Sara Sguotti, Oihana Vesga
Singing Mandakhjargal Dansuuren, Dalaijargal Dansuuren
Sound direction and music Francesco Giomi
Dramaturg Enrico Pitozzi
Lighting design and set design Simone Fini
Costumes Katia Kuo
Photos and videos Luca del Pia
Production ERT Emilia Romagna Teatro Fondazione, Fondazione Teatro Comunale di Modena, Associazione Culturale Nexus
With the contribution of MIBACT, Regione Emilia Romagna, Fondo Regionale per la Danza d’Autore
With the support of Fondazione Nazionale della Danza – Aterballetto, L’arboreto – Teatro Dimora di Mondaino