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Affidata all’impeto energetico e all’orizzonte visionario di giovani presenze e corporeità, Onde prende forma attraverso una pratica performativa, coreografica e musicale che si apre al presente di corpi protesi e fluttuanti tra estasi, guizzi animali e curvature verso l’evanescenza. Ritmo e sforzo si intrecciano con tentativi di evasione, di attesa e sottrazione. Non c’è tempo per definire i confini delle posture, gli equilibri sono istanti sottili e subito reclinati verso altre congiunzioni e desideri. Il dialogo tra volumi anatomici e sonori moltiplica le prospettive di incontro, confonde le coordinate temporali e, come il propagarsi di onde d’urto, sfuma i contorni delle azioni individuali, tra provenienza e proiezione.

Segnare, battere, balbettare, tendere, risegnare, farsi lievi ma anche irruenti, audaci come la falena che va verso la luce anche se può bruciarla. Di The Waves, il celebre play-poem di Virginia Woolf, Onde incorpora la corrente continua delle immagini e la necessità di rigenerarsi nel ritmo, tra momenti di essere e universalità dei moti percettivi.

Adamantina è la scrittura coreografica traboccante di inventiva; si espande e indietreggia, diviene “vortico e volteggio”, rimanda con fantasia al mondo animale senza mai soffermarsi in posa. E allora quegli anemoni, quelle falene, quei granchi che ci sembra di intravedere sono forse solo vibrazione, identità mutanti come le maree.
Maria Luisa Buzzi, Danza&Danza


Concept and choreography Simona Bertozzi

Performers Arianna Brugiolo, Rafael Candela, Valentina Foschi

Original music performed live Luca Perciballi

Lighting design Rocio Espana Rodriguez

Costumes Vicini D’Istanti

Photo and video Luca Del Pia

Organization Miriana Erario

Press and communication Michele Pascarella

Duration 60’

Production: Nexus, in coproduction with Festival Danza Estate, Operaestate Festival Veneto/CSC. With the support of MiC, Regione Emilia Romagna, Comune di Bologna. In collaboration with Dialoghi – Residenze delle Arti Performative a Villa Manin 2021. Creative residencies at: CSC Centro per la scena contemporanea, ALMASTUDIOS Bologna, Artists in ResidenSì Bologna 2023.

Choreographer, dancer, and performer, Simona Bertozzi holds a degree from the Department of Arts, Music, and Performing Arts at the University of Bologna. One of the pioneers of the revolutions in twentieth-century choreographic art, Loïe Fuller, was the subject of her thesis. At a young age, she trained in artistic gymnastics and classical dance, then delved into the study of contemporary dance in Italy and various countries including France, Spain, Belgium, and England. She has collaborated extensively as a performer, including with choreographers Tomas Aragay (Societat Doctor Alonso-Spain) and, from 2005 to 2010, with Virgilio Sieni. She began her choreographic activity in 2005, embarking on a research and production path working with professional dancers and performers, as well as with children, teenagers, amateurs, asylum seekers, and second-generation young immigrants. Simona Bertozzi practices a dance in which choreography constitutes a territory of events, a complex system inhabited by the body, resulting from practices, thoughts, and disciplines that make creation a layered entity, in dialogue with the present. In 2007, she won the GD’A choreographic competition (Young Dance Authors of Emilia Romagna) and in 2008 she founded the Compagnia Simona Bertozzi | Associazione Culturale Nexus. Over the years, her projects have received support and hospitality from important regional, Italian, and European circuits, through co-productions and choreographic residencies with national and international circulation. In 2008, she was the Italian choreographer selected for the Aerowaves festival, The Place Theatre (London), and in the same year, with the solo Terrestre, she took part in the international Choreoroam project, supported by the British Council/The Place, Dansateliers/Rotterdam, and Bassano Opera Festival. With the collective Gemelli Kessler (Simona Bertozzi, Marcello Briguglio, Celeste Taliani), she won the 2009 Electronic Choreographer award for best independent production with the video dance work: Terrestre-movement in still life. In 2012, the collective was involved in the creation of I was wondering, a video dance piece created for the centenary of the birth of Michelangelo Antonioni. Over the years, important collaborations have been consolidated with artists and scholars including: Francesco Giomi artistic director of Tempo Reale, Enrico Pitozzi and Cristiana Natali professors at the University of Bologna, Egle Sommacal musician and guitarist of Massimo Volume, Angela Baraldi actress and singer, and Tabea Martin choreographer and dancer with whom she co-created This is my last dance, a work that had significant European circulation including the Swiss Dance Days.

Full price: 10 euros


Tickets can be purchased online at www.biglietteriafonderia39.it.

The ticket office service at Fonderia is active from 7:30 PM.

Tickets are not numbered.


Cell and WhatsApp: 3341023554

Email biglietteria@aterballetto.it

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