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Made in Italy 34.0




Double performance:

Friday, March 28 – 9:00 PM
Saturday, March 29 – 9:00 PM

The protagonists of the evening are the dancers of Agora Coaching Project, a high-level training project promoted and supported by MM Contemporary Dance Company and A.S.D Progetto Danza of Reggio Emilia, with artistic direction by Michele Merola and Enrico Morelli. Launched in 2010, the course is gaining full recognition in the European dance world and boasts collaborations with internationally renowned teachers and choreographers.


Agora Coaching Project is an annual dance training project aimed at dancers aged 18 to 22, based in Reggio Emilia. Founded in 2010, it is directed by Michele Merola and Enrico Morelli and is promoted and supported by the MM Contemporary Dance Company and the Centro Permanente Danza of Reggio Emilia. The project aims to train artists who are ready to approach the variety of the international dance market with flexibility, artists capable of responding to different technical and stylistic demands that come from this very market. The project aims to offer a wide range of stimuli, both technical and cultural, and fosters exchange between students and choreographers, each coming from different and interesting backgrounds in the international scene. Agora offers the students the opportunity to meet renowned choreographers with different stylistic orientations, and over the years, many illustrious names have participated. Various qualified teachers, each with proven experience in the field, collaborate with Michele Merola and Enrico Morelli to bring the project to life.

Full price: 10 euros
Reduced under 30, dance schools, Liceo Coreutico Matilde di Canossa, over 65, CRAL members of the Municipality of Reggio Emilia: 6 euros
Reduced under 8: 3 euros


Tickets can be purchased online at www.biglietteriafonderia39.it

The box office opens one hour before the start of the performance

Tickets are not numbered


Cell and WhatsApp: 3341023554

Email biglietteria@aterballetto.it

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