Il combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda

Press Conference

Tuesday, June 11, 2024, at 11:00 AM

Rome, at the Cesare Brandi Conference Room of the San Michele a Ripa Monumental Complex.

Baroque melodrama and live music meet contemporary dance and direction.

It is with this intertwining that Il Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda addresses the challenge of enhancing National Museums, creating a path capable of adapting to some emblematic heritage sites, with the aim of offering the spectator/visitor a unique experience. Not just an uncommon hybridization of different languages in the Italian scene, but a true co-design of performances for atypical stages and monumental spaces.

For the implementation of the project, curated by the Directorate General of Museums and co-financed through the call of the Directorate General of Performing Arts for the enhancement of live performance activities in cultural institutes and places, the National Archaeological Museum and Roman Theater of Spoleto (through the National Museums of Perugia – Regional Directorate of National Museums of Umbria) has established a partnership shared by five other important National Museums. The network includes, in addition to MANTR of Spoleto – lead partner – Villa Pisani in Stra, the Monumental Complex of the Castle and Park of Racconigi, the Swabian Castle of Bari, the Certosa and Museum of San Martino and the Archaeological Museum “Mario Torelli” – Archaeological Park and Jewish Catacombs of Venosa, in addition to Castel Sant’Angelo in Rome.

The project represents the construction of a path of research, collaboration, and production where, along with the necessity of experimenting with new forms of co-design, the hybridization of performative languages, and the need to build new paths for the enhancement of artists and the dissemination of works, a strong aesthetic and thematic identity is central. The musical choice fell on one of the most extraordinary pieces by Claudio Monteverdi, the most universally known figure in Italian Baroque music, and which in 2024 marks 400 years since its first performance.

Il Combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda is a project designed to represent an Italy of culture rooted in its heritage without giving up projecting into contemporaneity. To appeal to all audiences, from the most cultured and refined to those without specific knowledge of dance, and to inhabit any urban and monumental space.

Direction and Visuals: Fabio Cherstich
Choreography and Stage Movements: Philippe Kratz
Music: Il combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda by Claudio Monteverdi
Dancers: Gador Lago Benito, Alberto Terribile

Coproductions: Fondazione Nazionale della Danza / Aterballetto, Teatro Regio di Parma / Festival Verdi, Torinodanza Festival – Teatro Stabile di Torino – Teatro Nazionale, Ghislierimusica – Centro di Musica Antica

Site-specific version
Premiere: National Archaeological Museum and Roman Theater of Spoleto (PG) – September 12, 2024
Rome – Castel Sant’Angelo – September 13, 2024
Monumental Complex of the Castle and Park of Racconigi (CN) – September 22, 2024
National Museum of Villa Pisani, Stra (VE) – September 28, 2024
Certosa and Museum of San Martino, Naples – October 3, 2024
Swabian Castle of Bari – October 5, 2024
National Archaeological Museum “Mario Torelli” of Venosa (PZ) – October 6, 2024
Kosmos – Natural History Museum of the University of Pavia – October 12, 2024

Theatrical version
Preview: Turin – Torinodanza Festival, Fonderie Limone – September 20-21, 2024
Premiere: Parma – Festival Verdi, Teatro Farnese – October 18-19, 2024

Published On: 5 June 2024