Near the Basilica of San Vitale, beneath the late Baroque church of Sant’Eufemia, lies the fascinating Domus dei Tappeti di Pietra. Considered one of Italy’s significant archaeological sites, it features residences from the 1st to 6th centuries AD with exquisite marble and mosaic floors. From December 16 to 22, Diego Tortelli presents two MicroDanze, Yes, Yes… and A Gig, at the Ravenna Festival 2023. The performances take place in the grand reception hall, adorned with a mosaic depiction of seasons and dancing figures, blending contemporary gestures with the refined aesthetics of the location.

Yes, Yes…
A creation that, in a few minutes, seeks to capture the atmosphere of the Silver Factory established by Andy Warhol in 1962: a place that has entered the collective imagination as a meeting point for artists and a hub of innovation and development in pop culture. The music for “Yes, Yes…” is composed by artists Dean and Britta for Andy Warhol’s film “Most Beautiful.” The guitar sounds and rock references to the ’70s remind us of the rhythms of the rock band Velvet Underground, whose album was produced at the Silver Factory.

A Gig
A Gig is an opening or closing act, a brief performance to warm up the audience or bid goodnight. In rock jargon, it’s often performed by the headlining group. It’s not a full concert but a short performance aiming to capture the style, vibes, and intensity of the band in a few minutes. In this new MicroDance, I want to use the two dancers to engage closely with the audience, as if providing a small surprise in a context where a performance was unexpected. With the sound of the music, the two dancers move over a text that says “easy,” becoming themselves broken voices and glamorous instruments of seduction.

Published On: 11 December 2023