From November 28 to December 12, 2023, dance meets cultural diplomacy and travels with Italia Danza: the new project by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (Maeci), curated by CCN/Aterballetto.
Realized through the General Directorate for Public and Cultural Diplomacy, the project unfolds in collaboration with the Italian Cultural Institutes, with the support of the Emilia-Romagna Region and the City of Reggio Emilia. In its initial phase, it will journey from Prague to Dakar, from the heart of ancient Europe to one of the most dynamic cities in Africa, passing through Brussels and moving from the Balkans to the Scandinavian Peninsula.
The objective of Italia Danza is simple: to enhance the Italian Cultural Institutes, places that remarkably represent cultural diplomacy worldwide, by bringing some creations from the only National Choreographic Center in our country: CCN/Aterballetto. It’s a cosmopolitan project entrusted to the universal language of the body, which CCN/Aterballetto interprets with its rich heritage of site-specific creations: a contemporary repertoire that includes MicroDanze, but also stage performances reimagined for the occasion, allowing them to be presented anywhere.
The first phase of the project unfolds in the last two months of 2023 between Europe and Africa and already includes six important stages: Prague, Brussels, Zagreb, Stockholm, London, and Dakar. In 2024 and 2025, it will continue to radiate towards new destinations and continents: the Americas and the East. It will see new significant creations designed for this unusual occasion of promoting Italian culture worldwide, activating, through dance, the world’s most universal language, cooperative and diplomatic connections.
*The London staging has been postponed to 2024.
The General Directorate for Cultural Diplomacy, established in 2022 with the aim of prioritizing cultural diplomacy as a strategic tool in service of national interest. This was intended to reaffirm the centrality of cultural promotion within the framework of Italian foreign policy, emphasizing the fundamental role of Italian culture and language as vehicles for soft power and channels of dialogue between nations and peoples.
One of the tasks of the new Directorate is to coordinate the activities of the Italian Cultural Institutes abroad, making cultural promotion an increasingly effective tool of public diplomacy by fostering dialogue between the world of culture and the realms of economics, manufacturing art, and sciences.
The emblematic project of this journey is undoubtedly MicroDanze: twenty-two performances by as many choreographers, designed for small monumental or urban spaces, avoiding traditional frontal and stage-oriented presentations. Organized in ever-changing paths, they have taken us to some of the main museum spaces (from the Acropolis Museum in Athens to Castel Sant’Angelo in Rome, to the Complesso di Santa Giulia and the Capitolium in Brescia) and European urban settings. They have also secured grants such as Creative Europe, symbolizing the capacity of live performances to align with broader project goals and scientific reflections.
MicroDanze represent a truly unique project, refined yet immediately and easily enjoyable. Intriguing by nature, with performances lasting a few minutes that allow us to traverse distinctive spaces (usually considered unsuitable), they offer something unique: an up-close experience that places the spectator around and in contact with the dancer, generating emotions and aesthetic visions that are unparalleled in any traditional theater.
Now, we have the opportunity to give shape to a special selection of our MicroDanze: the three most beautiful and significant will become the heart of a “project within the project,” designed to bring to life a showcase of Italian culture. This will be offered in key locations representing the irradiation of Italian culture worldwide, the Italian Cultural Institutes. Performances to be presented in rooms slightly larger than normal, courtyards, staircases, imagining the transformation of some of the most beautiful Italian Cultural Institutes and Embassies into surprising settings to discover dance. As we have already done on special occasions, such as June 2, 2022, in Brussels.

H 18:00 / H 19:30
Italian Cultural Institute in Prague
Šporkova 335/14, 118 00 Malá Strana, Prague
Active Motivation
by Elena Kekkou
Eppur si muove
by Francesca Lattuada
Near Life Experience
by Angelin Preljocaj
A Gig
by Diego Tortelli
Duration: 60′
“I am particularly pleased to present the Italia Danza project in Prague, in an environment highly receptive to choreographic arts where dance, in all its forms, is a prominent part of the cultural offerings. Specifically, in the Czech Republic, contemporary dance is annually celebrated through highly acclaimed international showcases and festivals, providing important glimpses into the latest developments in this field. For these reasons, I consider it important to introduce these MicroDanze to the local audience, allowing us to highlight the undeniable talents of our dancers and choreographers beyond the realm of classical ballet and to open a window into contemporary dance in our country.”
Vito De Bellis
Director Italian Cultural Institute in Prague

H 19:30
Halles Saint-Géry
Pl. Saint-Géry 1, 1000, Brussels
Active Motivation
by Elena Kekkou
Eppur si muove
by Francesca Lattuada
Near Life Experience
by Angelin Preljocaj
A Gig
by Diego Tortelli
Duration: 60′
“We are particularly delighted to host Italia Danza here; Brussels has a rich and illustrious tradition in the field of dance, and it is wonderful to present CCN/Aterballetto, an Italian institution of great excellence, in a context that loves and understands this art.”
Allegra Iafrate
Acting Head Italian Cultural Institute in Brussels

H 20.00 / H 21.15
Zagrebački Plesni Centar
Ilica 10/1, 10 000, Zagreb
Eppur si muove
by Francesca Lattuada
Near Life Experience
by Angelin Preljocaj
A Gig
by Diego Tortelli
An echo, a wave
by Philippe Kratz
Duration 60′

H 18:00
Italian Cultural Institute in Stockholm
Gärdesgatan 14, 115 27, Stockholm
Eppur si muove
by Francesca Lattuada
Near Life Experience
by Angelin Preljocaj
A Gig
by Diego Tortelli
An echo, a wave
by Philippe Kratz
Duration 60′
“Italia Danza, which we will host on December 7th at the Italian Cultural Institute in Stockholm, transforms the idea of choreography starting from the relationship with the spaces in which they are presented. In Aterballetto’s MicroDanze, space is no longer just a place of consumption but becomes part of the choreography itself, allowing a different interaction between the audience and the performers. The project is particularly significant for our venue, designed by Gio Ponti and Pier Luigi Nervi. The dancers will guide the Stockholm audience through an evocative journey that will reinterpret the spaces envisioned by the great Milanese architect.”
Francesco Di Lella
Director Italian Cultural Institute in Stockholm

The event has been postponed to 2024
Estorick Collection of Modern Italian Art
39A Canonbury Square, London
Active Motivation
by Elena Kekkou
Eppur si muove
by Francesca Lattuada
Near Life Experience
by Angelin Preljocaj
A Gig
by Diego Tortelli
Duration 60′

H 17:00 / 18.00
Musée Théodore Monod d’art africain – IFAN (Institut Fondamental d’Afrique Noire Cheikh Anta Diop)
1, Place Soweto, BP 206, Dakar, Sénégal
Active Motivation
by Elena Kekkou
Eppur si muove
by Francesca Lattuada
Near Life Experience
by Angelin Preljocaj
A Gig
by Diego Tortelli
Duration 60′
“We are very proud to host in Dakar the last stage of the international tour of Italy Danza, promoted by the General Directorate for Public and Cultural Diplomacy. It will be a unique opportunity to bring the ‘dakarois’ audience into contact with one of the excellences of contemporary Italian dance. Dance is a very popular language in Senegal, deeply rooted in tradition, with important figures recognized internationally such as Germaine Acogny, founder of the École des Sables and Golden Lion for Lifetime Achievement at the 2021 Dance Biennale. With Aterballetto, we bring to Dakar a different vision, an aesthetic linked to movement that is very refined and technically complex, based on our academic tradition but looking to the present. It will be interesting to see the audience’s reaction, especially in this format that involves close interaction and therefore a high degree of emotional involvement for the viewer.”
Serena Cinquegrana
Director of the Italian Cultural Institute in Dakar

Impromptus – new dance and music project
Dance and music merge in a boundless dialogue: a unique experience of improvisation and mutual inspiration. Events in Ravenna and Reggio Emilia.
Aterballetto on tour in March
From March 4, Aterballetto embarks on an extensive tour starting from Reggio Emilia and traveling through France and Spain. On stage, the company's latest repertoire highlights, from Notte Morricone by Marcos Morau to Solo Echo by Crystal Pite.
The project “Tracce di Frida – Il corpo resiliente” comes to an end
The workshop led by Lara Guidetti, aimed at women with Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Diseases, in collaboration with the Azienda Ospedaliero - Universitaria di Modena, comes to an end.
Danza&Danza Award 2024
Notte Morricone wins the Danza&Danza 2024 award for Best Italian Production - Grand Scale! Read the jury's motivations.
Season’s Greetings from all of us at Centro Coreografico Nazionale / Aterballetto
Season’s Greetings from CCN/Aterballetto: celebrate with us a New Year filled with dance!
This year, Aterballetto celebrates the arrival of the New Year with the New Year’s Concert at Teatro La Fenice in Venice, broadcast live on Rai 1 on January 1st, featuring original choreography by Marcos Morau.
Tracce di Frida – The Resilient Body: The New Project with Modena AOU
The collaboration with the University Hospital of Modena (AOU) brings to life “Tracce di Frida: The Resilient Body”, a workshop led by Lara Guidetti and aimed at women with Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Diseases.
Open Dance: a dialogue with CNA on Cultural Welfare
On December 12th, an online event to discuss dance as a tool for collective well-being. Reserve your spot.
We are looking for new dancers to join Aterballetto Company. Submit your application!
The CCN/Aterballetto project with Maramotti Collection featured by the International Magazine The Light Observer. Read the article with interviews of the dancers from Aterballetto.
On March 4, 2025, a new replica of the show by Marcos Morau is scheduled at the Teatro Valli in Reggio Emilia. Active promotion for Black Friday.
If you have already seen the show directed by Marcos Morau, you can share your opinion by participating in the survey created by Artfiles.
Monday, October 21 is one of those evenings you can't miss: open rehearsal, a meeting with Marcos Morau, and the inauguration of the new foyer. Celebrate with us!
The collaboration with Collezione Maramotti gives rise to “Touchpoint”
The new multimedia project blending dance and visual arts is launched, resulting from the encounter between the dancers of Aterballetto and sixteen works from the Collezione Maramotti.
With Notte Morricone, the 2023/2024 season comes to a close.
Watch the outdoor debut of Notte Morricone at the Macerata Opera Festival. Find out what awaits you in September!
Audition for High Educational and Production Project – 2025
New advanced training and production program for 15 young dancers. Submit your CV.
The virtual dance at Videocittà
July 6, 2024, Rome - Virtual Dance for Real People is at Videocittà, the festival dedicated to digital vision and culture.
One More Dance? The new Advanced Training course begins
Until July 10, 2024, registration is open for ONE MORE DANCE?, the new Advanced Training course promoted by CCN / Aterballetto, together with CNA Foer and Festival Oriente Occidente.
Il combattimento di Tancredi e Clorinda
Press Conference: June 11, Rome. A dance and live music project for the promotion of Italian cultural heritage
Ginevra: the research work within “Archives and Health”
May 23rd and 30th, 9:00 PM: the outcomes of workshops for people over 50/60 by LUC, curated by CCN/Aterballetto
After last year's success, Reggionarra 2024 returns to enliven the halls of our Fonderia in Reggio Emilia for a day entirely dedicated to children and families.
Visioni del Corpo
May 27th at 9:00 PM at Fonderia: The Body in Danger with Nicolas Ballario, Roberto Tedesco, and Roberto Escobar in partnership with festivalfilosofia
On May 18th, 'Revival Rhapsody' will cross the Gattaglio District: in collaboration with the Municipality of Reggio Emilia, the outcome of the free and aimed at all ages workshop under the guidance of Lara Guidetti.
Viva la Danza: primetime on Rai 1 with Roberto Bolle”
Among the great performers of Roberto Bolle's Gala - airing on April 29th on Rai 1 - is also the Aterballetto Company with 'Rhapsody in Blue'.
From Sofia to Madrid, passing through Oslo and Cologne: this is the second phase of Italia Danza, on stage from April 27th to May 24th, 2024.