È pericoloso non sporgersi
È pericoloso non sporgersi is a work available only with virtual reality visors, which allows the viewer not only a close-up view, but also the impression of cohabiting with the performer in the scenic space, experienced at 360 degrees.
The setting that has been chosen is very unique: the rooms of the Museo di Storia della Psichiatria , housed in Reggio Emilia in the Lombroso Pavilion, one of the symbolic buildings of the San Lazzaro asylum complex.
Choreography and direction are by Francesca Lattuada, a visionary artist active in France.
The choreographer’s idea naturally starts from the historical memory with which the Lombroso Pavilion is imbued and leans on the ability of certain bodies to force, almost distort, the perception of reality. The performer is Lise Pauton, an extraordinary contortionist. Her metamorphoses are incessant and lead to the blurring of ordinary temporality, to the loss of the most concrete notions of spatiality (high-low, big-small, visible-invisible…).
The viewer experiences an immersion in a world in which all habitual references have vanished. A bit like what could happen to the guests of the Lombroso Pavilion.
The work is created on the occasion of the billboard Identità inquieta, a great choral work of the city of Reggio Emilia involving institutions and organizations of social, educational and cultural life, with the intention of offering a rich and varied calendar of cultural events to show visions on the infinite nuances of identity.
È pericoloso non sporgersi is part of the Virtual Dance for Real People project.