“Over limited” course starts

“Over limited – Towards an integrated dialogue between dance and disability”

Saturday, November 20 starts “Over limited – Towards an integrated dialogue between dance and disability”, the new course of advanced training promoted by the Fondazione Nazionale della Danza / Aterballetto and Ecipar Reggio Emilia in partnership with Associazione Incontri Internazionali di Rovereto – Oriente Occidente, co-financed with resources of the European Social Fund and the Region Emilia-Romagna. Among the promoters are the Comune di Reggio Emilia – Assessorato alla Cultura, Marketing territoriale e Pari opportunità, Città senza barriere di Reggio Emilia, Istituto Superiore Liceale Matilde di Canossa – Liceo Coreutico, Clust-ER Industrie Culturali e Creative, CNA Emilia Romagna, CNA Associazione Territoriale di Reggio Emilia, Farmacie Comunali Riunite, Consorzio Oscar Romero, Consorzio E45.

Course objectives

The course, divided into 5 modules for a total of 146 hours, aims at training people able to intervene for the valorisation of differences, understood not as limits, but as resources and starting point for a common creative pathway, using inclusive dance didactic approaches and tools. A figure who, knowing the impact of dance on different forms of disability (motor, psychic, sensory), is able to use dance, improvisation and movement as forms of inclusion to create a meeting and a deep communication between people, whatever their ability or disability, adapting a didactic centred on body-expressive-communicative activities, experimenting with alternative and universal languages.

Over limited is aimed at 15 operators in the world of entertainment with an interest in the theme of disability and involves, as trainers, the main Danceability artists on the national and international scene. Teachers include Juri Roverato, Michela Lucenti, Silvia Gribaudi, Giuseppe Comuniello, Gaia Germanà and the English Stopgap Dance Company.

Gruppo Credem support

Credem Group support

Over limited is part of the Fondazione Nazionale della Danza / Aterballetto’s “Danza&Fragilità” project, aimed at supporting and narrating performance research, reflection and production around different forms of virtuosity that integrate disability.
The originality of the initiative, as well as the values it conveys, has attracted the attention of the Gruppo Credem, which is particularly attentive to the theme of knowledge and inclusion, and has decided to support once again the Fondazione Nazionale della Danza / Aterballetto in this project, in continuity with the 2019-2020 biennium.

Comparing ourselves with the cultural excellences of the territory is always a stimulus. It allows us to explore different metrics and professional approaches, to extrapolate interesting ideas for our activity and to experiment with operational synergies.
In 2020, for example, the collaboration with the Fondazione Nazionale della Danza / Aterballetto resulted in a creative project that we have highlighted in our Group’s Sustainability Report, giving voice and space to the affinity of values that we have experienced.
This is the way we like to interpret partnerships: finding a common denominator and exploring areas of mutual interest.
I hope that this energy will continue to emerge and materialise because it adds further value to the support we want to continue to provide for culture and employment in our country.”

 Lucio Igino Zanon di Valgiurata
Gruppo Credem President


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Published On: 19 November 2021