Roberto Tedesco wins in Hannover
We are proud to announce that our dancer Roberto Tedesco has been awarded at the 34th edition of the International Choreographic Competition Hannover (5 and 6 June 2020).
Out of the 250 applications submitted for the 2020 edition of the International Choreographic Competition Hannover, only 20 were examined by the renowend jury of experts. Among these 20, Roberto Tedesco’s AGR Duet was awarded the Critic’s Prize.
Roberto also received the NTM-Production Award. This prize, an absolute newcomer to the 34th edition, was assigned by Stephan Thoss, director of the NationalTheatre Mannheim dance company. So our young choreographer will have the opportunity to realize a short creation for the NTM Dance ensemble, which will be presented, during an evening full of dance, in Mannheim, on January 9th, 2021.
The International Choreographic Competition Hannover, which every year involves hundreds of young choreographers from more than 50 countries and is an important stepping stone, was attended, two years ago, by another dancer and choreographer of Aterballetto, Philippe Kratz, who had won first prize with the duo “O”.